weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

Im with Ruth bit more at the top though I have no idea what is above it. They really don't mean a lot these things when it comes to faces just the stone masons having a laugh, perhaps caricatures of people they knew
Love your visual tours of London David. This one has Dan Brown overtones. Lovely architectural detail and those faces - thought they were theatrical to begin with but cannot be. Excellent.
Thanks Carl ... this challenge gets me out & about. I'm pleased you mentioned Dan Brown, I was going to ... I've read the books, seen the movies, and now I'm visiting this place for the first time, where a da vinci code scene was shot.

Scary faces!
Good fit for the theme David.
My only crit is I'd like to see just a tad more room above the faces, especially the one on the left.
Thanks Ruth ... yes the one on the left kind of overlaps the rim above making it closer to the top. Everything's a bit wonky and this 900 year old church is round making everything look more wonky when photographed. I cropped and cropped some more to make those three faces look more or less on the level. I might post the SOOC tomorrow ...
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Im with Ruth bit more at the top though I have no idea what is above it. They really don't mean a lot these things when it comes to faces just the stone masons having a laugh, perhaps caricatures of people they knew
Thanks Allan .... but you'd make a lousy conspiracy theorist. ;)
Love the expressions on those faces, you have captured them very well.
David the expressions on the faces must mean something ? I seem to remember watching a documentary many years ago about the Knights Templar.
Great for the theme, added interest for me too !
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Love the expressions on those faces, you have captured them very well.
Thanks ..... I might go back to snap some of them individually. There's at least 2 dozen in all.

Looks like my misses expressions on a good day...lol
Good capture:)
... with hidden meaning, no doubt. :)

David the expressions on the faces must mean something ? I seem to remember watching a documentary many years ago about the Knights Templar.
Great for the theme, added interest for me too !
Cheers Chris ... we're off to Portugal in 2 weeks and plan to visit Tomar where there's lots of Templar history.

The stuff of nightmares! A bit more room top and sides might be nice.
Thanks Emma ... a tight crop I know ... top especially. I just fancied doing a banner-type thing, would make a good header for their website.

That sounds / looks like an interesting place David.
Well captured.
Curiosity got the better of me and I hit the google button

The use of gargoyles to express masons' imaginations and irreverence through gargoyle sculptures is common in churches, but it is unusual for them to be placed indoors.

Cheers boss ... I love the Temple district, and I've got a video for you ... this guy cracks me up.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKpREmP-vUw
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I love to hate this thing, now Grade 2 listed will never be demolished, is now back in fashion, trying to learn to love it, I took my first photo of it yesterday ...


Week 37 Urban

Well, I suppose it served a purpose in our history and no doubt some of the residents would extol it's virtues (!?). Very well taken David - like the visual environment you have included in the form of the low-rise buildings either side.
Nicely done with the lead-in of the older terrace and "sunlit uplands" blue sky. I used to drive past it every day and was always impressed by it. Personally I think it is good that the better examples of 1960's brutalism are being preserved as they represent a state of society just as much as stately homes do.
Ok thats a weird building!
Nicely captured David :)
Thanks for your comments guys. (y)

I might do a reshoot of this ... I'm pleased with my crop showing the Victorian buildings each side, but I'm not happy I ended up with only half the sooc.

My original idea was to show people, market stalls and traffic down at ground level but I wasn't happy with what I caught down there, roadworks mostly.

We nearly always visit this road on a Sunday for the Portuguese cafes, delis and offies. And that's when I'll do the reshoot ... maybe some low winter PM sun.
Better get used to the building now if its listed :)

Nice capture, perfect for the theme
38 - Pairs


#2 Added 10.30 - 19/09/2016
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Simple, colourful, effective - what more can one ask for.
Cheers Carl

I've added Pairs #2 since you posted.

I can't decide which ... I think something between the two is what I'd like. o_O
I like bright ... as you may have noticed David .... so the second appeals more but know what you mean so maybe just a tone down a bit. What I do like particularly about the second is the angle and the texture of the bark coming through near the base of the pins.
Tough call, they both have their merits, but I think the lighter one just takes it.
Nice idea David :)
I can't decide which ... I think something between the two is what I'd like.
You know what? I was sat here glancing between the two humming and harring then scrolled down to see what others thought and saw your comment and nail, head, hit. If I was going for one I'd go with the first because the pins are standing clear of the log but the brighter colours of the second are good.
Urban - Very imposing building very well captured. I like the colours- the blueness of the sky makes a great backdrop.
Pairs - No 1 for me I like the way the brightness of the colours stand out agains the dark background.
Yes pairs I am sure it has some deep significant meaning, then again maybe not :thinking: some where between the two indeed
Urban must have been a hard choice with all the great city life you capture - this works so well. Hope we get to see the reshoot too - your description of Sunday life on the street makes me quite nostalgic for my brief try at London life (the commute though...:eek:)
The second pairs shot for me I think because of the detail in the wood.
Hi David,
Ancient - If that's where I think it is, then the middle gargoyle is a solicitor and the other two are clients who've just gotten their bills ;) It does feel a bit tight, as though you were editing it for a FB banner or suchlike (but I imagine it's t avoid clutter really).
Urban - I like the contrast of the blue sky and green trees against the tower block. I kind of wish we could zoom in more as there appears to be plenty to look at on the landings...
PAirs - #2 for me, it seems slightly sharper to my eyes. Perhaps because you can also see in-focus bark/wood.
Urban - great shot of Goldfinger's high rise, nicely framed between the Victorian terraces in the foreground and against a very blue sky in the background. I didn't realise you can get such an unobstructed view of the Trellick Tower.

#1 for pair!
I like bright ... as you may have noticed David .... so the second appeals more but know what you mean so maybe just a tone down a bit. What I do like particularly about the second is the angle and the texture of the bark coming through near the base of the pins.
Tough call, they both have their merits, but I think the lighter one just takes it.
Nice idea David :)
Nice one d00d, one of those simple but really effective ideas ....definitely like the angle and tones of the second one best.
You know what? I was sat here glancing between the two humming and harring then scrolled down to see what others thought and saw your comment and nail, head, hit. If I was going for one I'd go with the first because the pins are standing clear of the log but the brighter colours of the second are good.
Very unusual design building and very apt for the theme. Like the blue sky background against the drab stone of the high-rise.

Overall I prefer the viewpoint of #2 for Pairs but with the dark background of the first.
Urban - Very imposing building very well captured. I like the colours- the blueness of the sky makes a great backdrop.
Pairs - No 1 for me I like the way the brightness of the colours stand out agains the dark background.
Thanks all(y) ... torn between the two.
Yes pairs I am sure it has some deep significant meaning, then again maybe not :thinking: some where between the two indeed
an ancient pagan ritual ... sticking pins in dead trees this time of year.

Urban must have been a hard choice with all the great city life you capture - this works so well. Hope we get to see the reshoot too - your description of Sunday life on the street makes me quite nostalgic for my brief try at London life (the commute though...:eek:)
The second pairs shot for me I think because of the detail in the wood.
reshoot? ... yes I must.

Yes I suppose any building, bigger the better, says urban, but the urban word can somehow suggests erm ... deprivation or decay. So I went for the brutalist.

Hi David,
Ancient - If that's where I think it is, then the middle gargoyle is a solicitor and the other two are clients who've just gotten their bills ;) It does feel a bit tight, as though you were editing it for a FB banner or suchlike (but I imagine it's t avoid clutter really).
Urban - I like the contrast of the blue sky and green trees against the tower block. I kind of wish we could zoom in more as there appears to be plenty to look at on the landings...
PAirs - #2 for me, it seems slightly sharper to my eyes. Perhaps because you can also see in-focus bark/wood.
Cheers Tim

re Urban ... I'm going to try for more detail with a better lens.
re Pairs #2 ... what I'm a little disappointed with is the lack of clarity in the colours, particularly the yellow.
Hmmmm tough choice David, liking them both... studying them I am more drawn to the first shot with the black background and brighter pins, although the second shows better detail for me, both a great idea (y)
Cheers DK(y)

Urban - great shot of Goldfinger's high rise, nicely framed between the Victorian terraces in the foreground and against a very blue sky in the background. I didn't realise you can get such an unobstructed view of the Trellick Tower.

#1 for pair!

Good to see you back Bernd. Re Urban ... taken from Golbourne Rd. there are a few floors at the bottom missing from there.
I like the composition of #1 and the light of #2.

I read somewhere that in photography odd numbers work better...can't recall where and why though.
