weekly Elaine's 52 for 2016 - Urban added

Week 4 - Happy

I went out with a very specific target in mind for this one. Those members old enough to remember the theme song from the kids programme Magpie should get the link to the theme, although younger ones may struggle a bit! Anyway, after many "Sorrows" and even a "Gold" I was on the point of giving in to freezing fingers and toes when I finally found pure Joy (that's the same as happiness only better isn't it?)

Yep I got it immediately Elaine
Very clever (y)
:clap:Yes, very well thought out and nicely taken Elaine. Love the b&w and all that great detail in the branches.
Magpies mate for life and this is defiantly one happy couple great idea love the B/W well worth freezing fingers and toes for.(y)
Thanks for all the comments on my "official" entry for the week.

Never let it be said that I'm one to pass up on a photo op, so when I saw the fiery glow filtering through my bathroom window, my first thought was "Happy shepherds" and I immediately grabbed my camera and dashed outside to capture some Shepherds' delight! Now the confession - it was sunrise, not sunset (but who knew that :p ), so maybe the shepherds wouldn't have been too happy! So, as it was a bit of an afterthought and a LOT of a cheat, I decided not to include it in the main thread.

Hi Elaine - glad to see you're still doing the TP52s!

Metal - for me the nuts and bolts shot is bang on. Good low key composition (always going to be slightly easier to light with shiny stuff!)
Captive - the hands are great. Really gritty presentation (could perhaps lift shadows a touch and increase contrast/clarity if you're using LR or PS?) but composition is spot on for me.
Miniature works but I don't think it's quite up to the quality of the other two. Lighting feels a touch flat, although realise you were probably focusing (boom boom) on getting the writing "edge lit". There's a brilliant book called "Light Science and Magic" that explains how to light almost exactly this type scene and it's a cracking read.
Happy is smart and on theme. Lighting will have been what it was, given it was natural daylight. It would be great to get a bit more light onto the undersides of the branches and bird necks, but you might have to resort to a bit of PP (shadow lift) to get that.

Great start to the 52 and looking forward to more...
Hi Elaine, I cant make the connection to what the image is supposed to link to unfortunately. I'm probably too young to understand it!
Hi Elaine - glad to see you're still doing the TP52s!

Metal - for me the nuts and bolts shot is bang on. Good low key composition (always going to be slightly easier to light with shiny stuff!)
Captive - the hands are great. Really gritty presentation (could perhaps lift shadows a touch and increase contrast/clarity if you're using LR or PS?) but composition is spot on for me.
Miniature works but I don't think it's quite up to the quality of the other two. Lighting feels a touch flat, although realise you were probably focusing (boom boom) on getting the writing "edge lit". There's a brilliant book called "Light Science and Magic" that explains how to light almost exactly this type scene and it's a cracking read.
Happy is smart and on theme. Lighting will have been what it was, given it was natural daylight. It would be great to get a bit more light onto the undersides of the branches and bird necks, but you might have to resort to a bit of PP (shadow lift) to get that.

Great start to the 52 and looking forward to more...
Wow, thanks for the mega catch up Paul - and the book reco!

Hi Elaine, I cant make the connection to what the image is supposed to link to unfortunately. I'm probably too young to understand it!
Well, it's a traditional nursery rhyme, but I reckon you need to be over 40 to remember it being the theme tune to this tv programme
Magpies .... shoehorn till I read your description ;) I like magpies they're so naughty.
I got it straight away good take on the theme.
B/W suits it well and I like the crisp detail of the lichen on the branches.
I love the colours in the not so happy shepherds shot well captured
Week 5 - Abandoned

After my Captive monkey in week 2, I may well be setting myself up for accusations of cruelty to soft toys with this one! Fortunately there were no grandkids around to be traumatised ;)

Nice idea Elaine but the teddy looks in too good condition to be abandoned. Like the inclusion of the rubbish bags and the background to convey the theme.
He's probably over 30 years old, but he's had a lot of tlc over the years and I just couldn't bring myself to rough him up for the photo. I even gave him a little plastic bag to sit on so he wouldn't get his bottom wet or dirty :oops: :$
That's just cruel poor bear :eek: he looks scared!

Great idea and certainly fits the theme
Thanks Mark. I took quite a few shots using different angles and poses, but I chose this one because he seemed to be looking directly into the camera and pleading not to be left there ;)