weekly Ian's 52 of 2016 (Week 27; Activity added)

Edit My Images
First proper attempt at this. Will hopefully get me thinking outside the box and see improvements in my shots through feedback. Your comments, I want 'em!

No backing out now the thread is up. Looking forward to getting started :)

Many thanks PV / DK. Is there a general consensus for when the images should be up by, or just before the following week being revealed? :)
Many thanks PV / DK. Is there a general consensus for when the images should be up by, or just before the following week being revealed? :)

It's best to post theme before the next week comes out. No real pressure, though and you can play a Joker or miss a theme if you want. I do find it'll help you if you really try and think about yhe themes and post a photograph.

I'd really like to try and hit every week if I can. Shouldn't be too hard as a week should be sufficient time tbh. Will get cracking....tomorrow!
Okay, here goes my first submission! Week 1 - Metal

These were taken today on an extremely overcast day on Greenock Esplanade. Some PP done in Lightroom which I've no experience in at all so please be gentle ha ha.

Very happy to receive comments and criticism though, only way I'm going to improve. As always, larger images are best viewed on Flikr and links are clickable to get you there.

1. Buoy #1

2. Buoy #2

3. Scottish Seaside


Some good colours in those shots. All verticals and horizons look straight / level to me :)
You've captured the skies really well, without underexposing teh rest of the shot.
And how you resisted the temptation to go to f1.8 is beyond me...
Nicely on theme. Good start to your 52 :)
Thats the spirit, in your first post(n)
One seems a bit flat, needs a slight fill with colour, nice compo tho, little tweak make big difference:)
Two good addition tells the story,
Three nice image, maybe a closer crop:)
Nice set
Thanks for the nice comments guys, always good to know when I do something pleasing as well as where I can improve.

One seems a bit flat, needs a slight fill with colour, nice compo tho, little tweak make big difference:)
Two good addition tells the story,
Three nice image, maybe a closer crop:)

With regards to the first one, I did actually have the saturation boosted quite a bit then toned it back! Interested to see what it'd look like with a much more vibrant red / green now.

Image three. Where would you crop to out of interest, Walter?
I don't know what SW you use, what I have found is when you boost colour it is literally a fill just when it starts to change colour, remember if you shoot in jpeg, it is a semi negative so add slight changes, if you shoot in raw it is a negative, add what you want, saying that it is all your choice,:)

the crop I would squeeze the sides slightly, lose a bit of top and bottom, the idea being making the main focus the cranes buildings look closer, imho only:)
I don't know what SW you use, what I have found is when you boost colour it is literally a fill just when it starts to change colour, remember if you shoot in jpeg, it is a semi negative so add slight changes, if you shoot in raw it is a negative, add what you want, saying that it is all your choice,:)

All were shot in RAW and adjusted in Lightroom. I did boost the colour, just not enough! (in hindsight I totally agree with you BTW).

Noted re: the crop. Think I was just too keen on preserving the aspect ratio which of course, there was no need to do!
#1 for me, I like all the sky detail considering how dreary it looks. And the buoy is very striking! Great shot :)
I don't know what SW you use, what I have found is when you boost colour it is literally a fill just when it starts to change colour, remember if you shoot in jpeg, it is a semi negative so add slight changes, if you shoot in raw it is a negative, add what you want, saying that it is all your choice,:)

the crop I would squeeze the sides slightly, lose a bit of top and bottom, the idea being making the main focus the cranes buildings look closer, imho only:)

Too far?

I think you have made it far more interesting, maybe back off exposure slightly, the rails and land beyond has been brought to life, lose a bit of the top and bring focus lower, all down to Personal choice, very slight tweaks can make such a big impact:)
Hi Ian. Well done for this novel idea for Metal - I like the bright vivid colours especially the red/green which are highly complimentary. The off-centre positioning of the buoy is excellent - I think it's spot on you have it now. :clap:
Like the #1 Marker Buoy shot and agree with what Andy @posiview said about the Lifebuoy distraction. I think the rework is a tack too blueish for me.
Noted. I've adjusted revisited it again and cropped the ring out and a touch off the top which has improved it certainly. A far cleaner image overall. Will need to have a play about with the colours to see about removing the 'blueness' as I do see what you mean. Perhaps just down to the white balance being a touch off?
Hi, i like the buoy shot but it needs the brightness lifting a little not the saturation, there is nothing wrong with the colour in it, just a little more light and obviously crop whats been mentioned above
Hi Ian, like you buoy image,nice bold clours and has a 3d quality to it. I really like the seaside image, to me thats a really strong one, I bet htat would look good as a tight 16-9 with a little boost in the colours and contrast. Good luck completing your 52
The buoy is my favourite of the bunch. I agree with the saturation though, its slightly too saturated, especially the grass in the foreground. The composition works well for me though :) Great attempt
Hi Ian. Like 1 and 3. 1 has a good depth to it with bouy as a strong foreground - maybe a bit overpowering but the pp suggested should make it clear this is the subject, so no problem there.

Love the cranes in 3 and the way they point into the frame - keeping my eye from straying.
I'd say a tad too far on the second Buoy, TBH
But actually I prefer the "seaside" image, nice colours and loads of detail (y)
Been feeling the effects of man flu among other ailments this week, however am happy to submit my take on Week 2 - Captive

In contrast to last week, it was even far too wet to leave the house this week. Tried various effects in PP but got a bit fed up in the end so by all means please let me know what you think.

As always, larger images are best viewed on Flickr and links are clickable to get you there.

1. "Wanted"

Wanted / Captive by Ian Williams, on Flickr

2. "Free (...or am I?)

Free (...or am I?) by Ian Williams, on Flickr

3. "Mugshot"

Mugshot by Ian Williams, on Flickr


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Hi, nice ideas not keen on the border in the first one and the WB is a little off of course that might be intensional so ignore if it is, the second one I am impressed by that baby walker very cool
Hi, nice ideas not keen on the border in the first one and the WB is a little off of course that might be intensional so ignore if it is, the second one I am impressed by that baby walker very cool

Hi Allan

Yep, WB was totally intentional in this case as was the border though can see why you wouldn't be keen on it. I also tried a more simple, B&W edit and could just have easily posted that one instead. Have now added it for comparison.



ps the baby walker was totally my choice haha
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Hi Ian ... I like the lighting on the first one, it gives a nice soft glow, I am a fan of frames, but not sure if it's needed on that particular shot, that's a super expression ....it says ' how much longer do I have to stand here' :) Also an excellent idea with the baby walker, but I would be tempted to crop it so the walker is central looking out of the window to give it a more wistful feel.

I must have missed last weeks shot ....I like the second one of the buoy ....a super huge piece of metal.

You're off to a good start ....good luck for the year ahead.

(I don't think your link is working from the main thread )
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Nice idea for the theme. #3 for me Ian - looks great in b&w and the expression is awesome ha ha.
Hi Ian

Metal ... the buoy OTT colour boost edit is just great.

Captive ... #3 ... priceless expression. (y)
Hi ian b&w of the wee one looks good,

The colour one looks like a WB adjustment needed,

Just as an experiment open up colour pic make it bigger, and try some gaussion blur instead of border,:)

Thanks. The WB was intentionally adjusted, though perhaps a bit overcooked.

I do have PS, but labouring on with LR just now. Will need to get onto some tutorials asap to get back into using layers and gaussian blur etc