weekly It is what it is, Sirching for 52/2016 - 52 - Celebrate

Definitely personal! This could have been a fun one to experiment with lots of different types of lighting - rimlight, backlight, sidelight etc. It's a good take though, so you may well have still settled on that one! (y)
I did move the speed light around quite a bit and did settle on this one
The artificial light things are clever, i wish i understood how you did it. Personal is a well taken take on the theme.
Thanks Clive, basically it's a strip of LED lights on a stick and I walked around the garden while waving it around. shutter was set typically to 8 to 10 seconds
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great idea for the theme, very personal indeed, nice bit of hair growing there
Made me chuckle Chris. Nowt so personal as the top of your own noggin!
Excellent shot for Effort Chris - a good bit of wood graft. I like the abandoned cap and gloves which of themselves suggest a temporary lull to reenergise after heavy toil. :clap:
Aye..........thats a lot of effort, nice one Chris.

Thanks Phil

Excellent shot for Effort Chris - a good bit of wood graft. I like the abandoned cap and gloves which of themselves suggest a temporary lull to reenergise after heavy toil. :clap:
Thanks Carl, that's the kind of thing I was aiming for.

Nice effort. Spot on focus and a sharp image. Like the angle of the axe handle is the same as the growth of the vine. But you are not finish with the chopping yet there's still one more log to do! :) Get on with it. :bat: :)
:LOL: Thanks Stan, obviously I just stopped momentarily to grab this shot and then straight back to it (some time later in the year ;))
Very nice Chris.
Lovely colour in the wood.
Give you a shout the next time I need some logs? ;)
Very nice Chris.
Lovely colour in the wood.
Give you a shout the next time I need some logs? ;)
Sorry, done my wood chopping for this decade!

Nicely composed shot. Fits well with the theme and gives the perfect impression of work and effort done.
Thanks Lee
certainly shows the results of some effort, not going to keep your fire going for very long, best get out there and do some more :exit:
Nice detail and I do like the hat on the end of the axe.

I might have cropped a little off the LHR and it's a little tight on the RHS...minor points, though.

certainly shows the results of some effort, not going to keep your fire going for very long, best get out there and do some more :exit:
Thanks Allan, we have central heating ;)

Nice detail and I do like the hat on the end of the axe.

I might have cropped a little off the LHR and it's a little tight on the RHS...minor points, though.


Yeah. the RHS is tight for a reason (ugly drain pipe), as it is the LHS space puts the axe head somewhere near thirds but you could well be right about a bit off.
I like that very much ... tells story, well focused subtle colour & texture. Yeah, maybe a smidgen off the LHS just to draw us in a bit.
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Liking Effort Chris, perfect for the theme and sharp and good details.
Well that certainly suits the theme Chris ...I guess that really was hard work, lots of textures and I like the composition ...although I do think just a tad off the left side.

I like that very much ... tells story, well focused subtle colour & texture. Yeah, maybe a smidgen off the LHS just to draw us in a bit.

Liking Effort Chris, perfect for the theme and sharp and good details.

Thanks all, time to trim the LHS I think.
Hi Chris, definitely on theme and also had the same idea for this theme (but didn't go with it). Well captured but looks a touch flat perhaps because of the light? But still a good shot, and as others have said, nice and detailed.
Hi Chris, definitely on theme and also had the same idea for this theme (but didn't go with it). Well captured but looks a touch flat perhaps because of the light? But still a good shot, and as others have said, nice and detailed.
Thanks Paul, I agree it is a touch flat, it's in in the shade of the building at the back. I should have got a reflector or a flash set up but I was dodging the showers and didn't want to drag a load of gear outside.
Thanks Paul, I agree it is a touch flat, it's in in the shade of the building at the back. I should have got a reflector or a flash set up but I was dodging the showers and didn't want to drag a load of gear outside.

To be honest, knowing what we'd do differently next time (or if we had unlimited time etc.) is more important than doing it... we have to remember this is our own personal challenge for each of us, rather than a competition to get the best photo possible. For me, at least, it's more about learning than it is showing off photos (which is just as well, sometimes!)
To be honest, knowing what we'd do differently next time (or if we had unlimited time etc.) is more important than doing it... we have to remember this is our own personal challenge for each of us, rather than a competition to get the best photo possible. For me, at least, it's more about learning than it is showing off photos (which is just as well, sometimes!)

I couldn't agree more, I tend to take the shot (or several) and then process it perhaps hours or days later and only at that stage do I tend to reflect on what I might have done better. One of many things I am trying to improve is seeing what might be improved during the shooting rather than during the processing.
Hi Chris, thanks for dropping into my thread a couple of weeks ago and I'm sorry it's taken so long to return the visit - I'll stay up to date in future! I've had a look through your whole thread and picked out a few favourites so far.

I'm a sucker for the colours and textures of rust so Metal is a winner for me, and I like the contrasting bright silver of the freshly cut edge. The little 'mountain' is a great idea for Miniature, Happy is a perfectly composed and very natural portrait, and both images for Danger work really well with the dangerous-looking conditions and the contrasting bright safety gear. Your image for The Living World is a cracker - lovely motion in the water and lots of interesting details - and I like all of the images for Artificial, especially the first and last, with those lines and swirls.

You have a good variety of styles and ideas in your thread and I'm looking forward to following in future (y)
Hi Chris, thanks for dropping into my thread a couple of weeks ago and I'm sorry it's taken so long to return the visit - I'll stay up to date in future! I've had a look through your whole thread and picked out a few favourites so far.

I'm a sucker for the colours and textures of rust so Metal is a winner for me, and I like the contrasting bright silver of the freshly cut edge. The little 'mountain' is a great idea for Miniature, Happy is a perfectly composed and very natural portrait, and both images for Danger work really well with the dangerous-looking conditions and the contrasting bright safety gear. Your image for The Living World is a cracker - lovely motion in the water and lots of interesting details - and I like all of the images for Artificial, especially the first and last, with those lines and swirls.

You have a good variety of styles and ideas in your thread and I'm looking forward to following in future (y)
Thanks for taking the time Andrea, I really appreciate it. I have to say I tend to comment on the latest in the "post your images here" thread when ever I get time so my commenting is a bit hit-and-miss, don't feel you have to keep up.
Personal is an inspired take on the theme, a bit of a no-brainer you could say.

Effort has lots to see without being cluttered and tells a story of hard work.
Spiky - number one for me, love the POV.

Old re shoot - could do with a bit more space around it, and maybe a wee bit more greenery around it.

Artificial - really loving all them swirly patterns, nice creative idea.

Personal - a brave idea for the theme well done.

Effort - great compositionally, not something I have done but I can imagine the effort put into to chopping that lot.
Effort - Really like the detail in this certainly looks like a lot of effort went into chopping the tree down