weekly It is what it is, Sirching for 52/2016 - 52 - Celebrate

Artificial - great pictures very abstract
Personal - very up close and personal must have been an interesting set up.
Effort - A good deal of effort went int chopping that lot. I like the vibrancy of the wood against the background
Technology - two very different technologies good choice.
Artificial - great pictures very abstract
Personal - very up close and personal must have been an interesting set up.
Effort - A good deal of effort went int chopping that lot. I like the vibrancy of the wood against the background
Technology - two very different technologies good choice.
Thanks minx

Old and new technology; great idea but without reading your text I can't make out there's a black box. The image looks a bit dark for me.
Thanks Stan, on my (calibrated) monitor it looks OK, the XBox is clearly visible against the background but I always find it hard to know how dark is too dark for decent rendering across a range of monitors.
Nice piece of tech there Chris, I had a couple of Mamod Traction Engines *ahem* years ago.
If they were still about (they might be at my Dad's) I think I've be scared to fire them up incase the boilers burst. Is that why this one isn't in steam too?
From a photography perspective, it's a bit on the dark side. Could do with some exposure recovery.
Nice piece of tech there Chris, I had a couple of Mamod Traction Engines *ahem* years ago.
If they were still about (they might be at my Dad's) I think I've be scared to fire them up incase the boilers burst. Is that why this one isn't in steam too?
From a photography perspective, it's a bit on the dark side. Could do with some exposure recovery.
I don't think the XBox would appreciate having water dripped into it. I last fired it up a few years ago to show the kids and it ran fine, I'd be surprised (not half) if these little brass boilers weren't massively over engineered. As for brightness, see comments above in reply to Stan.
Hi Chris. Meccano was my all time favourite - creativity and imagination were the only limitations. Like the composition Chris - the dark space gives it a dramatic look and focus on the model. Really nice :clap:
Hi Chris. Meccano was my all time favourite - creativity and imagination were the only limitations. Like the composition Chris - the dark space gives it a dramatic look and focus on the model. Really nice :clap:
Thanks Carl
I like the edit. My daughter has just got her first Meccano set and really enjoys it.

ell composed, the text looks a very little OOF :thinking:

Yeah, how toys have changed.

Prefer the second take on Technology Chris as the Xbox stands out from the BG more. Really like the idea and composition of it
I like the edit. My daughter has just got her first Meccano set and really enjoys it.

ell composed, the text looks a very little OOF :thinking:

Yeah, how toys have changed.

Thanks Andy, it's amazing how things have moved on in such a short time ;). I think it;s the jpeg processing that has made the text a bit soft, it's sharper on the first attempt and in LR. I forgot to change the image size on the second export.

You got the better present!
Love the idea of old and new, works well.
Thanks Clive

Prefer the second take on Technology Chris as the Xbox stands out from the BG more. Really like the idea and composition of it
Thanks Mark
I like it Chris.
I love seeing the old and the young together.
Effort is a cracking shot Chris and certainly fits the brief. The cap on the axe handle is a nice touch too.

Technology I prefer the second one, it brings out the detail in the Xbox more. A great idea showing the old with the new and perfect for the brief with technology of the now with technology of yesteryear.
good choice using both eras of toys second lighter version works best. Things have moved on not always for the better i feel
Hi Chris, good shots and well thought out for the them - well done.

I too prefer the lighting of the second (well done in reshooting), although the first has potential. If you wanted to go with that low key look, a touch more light to the front of the xbox and meccano (just to create a greater sense of 3D and shape) and some backlighting from a point source hidden from view, behind the subjects to give some good rim lighting around them would separate otherwise low key subjects from the black background.

But I like the second as is (y)
The stuff that sent many a young kid on the road to technology, nice and moody image,
Thanks Walter

Effort is a cracking shot Chris and certainly fits the brief. The cap on the axe handle is a nice touch too.

Technology I prefer the second one, it brings out the detail in the Xbox more. A great idea showing the old with the new and perfect for the brief with technology of the now with technology of yesteryear.
Thanks Steve

good choice using both eras of toys second lighter version works best. Things have moved on not always for the better i feel
Thanks Allan, my son spends a lot of time socializing with his friends on the XBox, he also plays football, works on a farm and is generally pretty active. It's different but for him a future operating a "computer" is far more likely than one involving nuts and bolts.

Hi Chris, good shots and well thought out for the them - well done.

I too prefer the lighting of the second (well done in reshooting), although the first has potential. If you wanted to go with that low key look, a touch more light to the front of the xbox and meccano (just to create a greater sense of 3D and shape) and some backlighting from a point source hidden from view, behind the subjects to give some good rim lighting around them would separate otherwise low key subjects from the black background.

But I like the second as is (y)

Thanks for the advice Paul, I need to remember that rim lighting is an option.
Excellent choice Chris, I liked this one the moment I saw it ...an inspired idea to put the two together, it's very nicely done and works really well. I actually like the first one the best but I do like dark shots.
Thanks Susie

Love the contrast of the two presents - I prefer the lighting of the edit too as it took me a while to spot the x-box in the first.
Thanks Emma
Neat idea. I like #2 ... I didn't realise what I was looking at in #1, that's because I love Meccano but don't know the first thing about Xboxes.
Technology is a cool and well thought out photo, the second attempt is so much better due to the lighting. Sharp and perfect for the theme
Hi Chris - Technology - A nice combination of objects picking old and new, not so sure on the composition of one on the other, there again gives a nice reflection to the meccano, nicely lit and a good background :)
I know what you mean about the comp but I couldn't come up with anything better than the reflection

Technology is a cool and well thought out photo, the second attempt is so much better due to the lighting. Sharp and perfect for the theme
Thanks Lee
Bit of a publish and be damned from me this week

52-2016-Horizontal by TheWub, on Flickr

I had the idea of a level crossing with a train going over it but on our branch line we only get about one train per hour and with cars, rain and life getting in the way I have been at this for days and this is about the best. Not happy and was tempted to just shoot something else but I'm not going to get much time for the rest of the week. Anyway, enough whining...
Hi Chris. I like the thinking behind that - the level crossing barriers are of course horizontal and doubles up with the movement of the train that you managed to catch. Hard to practice when you have that length of time to wait between shots. Must give that a try - trains by us come thick and fast. :clap:
Hi Chris. I like the thinking behind that - the level crossing barriers are of course horizontal and doubles up with the movement of the train that you managed to catch. Hard to practice when you have that length of time to wait between shots. Must give that a try - trains by us come thick and fast. :clap:

Thanks Carl, the trains move surprisingly quickly (that sounds daft now I've typed it), that was a 1.6" exposure and it barely caught the train.
Thanks Carl, the trains move surprisingly quickly (that sounds daft now I've typed it), that was a 1.6" exposure and it barely caught the train.
Ah that's interesting Chris - so a faster shutter speed required to get more of the train showing ..... maybe nearer 1/10th ... ish. ?!? Trial and error I suppose.
Ah that's interesting Chris - so a faster shutter speed required to get more of the train showing ..... maybe nearer 1/10th ... ish. ?!? Trial and error I suppose.
Spot on, I was after a light trail kind of effect from the train but it does need to be a shorter exposure
Works for me Chris after all its a Level crossing and the faint detail of the train really makes the image stand out especial the as that's the only part of the image that is in colour
Works for me Chris after all its a Level crossing and the faint detail of the train really makes the image stand out especial the as that's the only part of the image that is in colour
Thanks Mark, TBH the selective colour was a bit of a rescue job.
Personal - Well, that’s certainly unexpected. :p Nice job growing that hair, lol.

Effort - Lots of effort gone in there. :) Looks like hard work but it looks like a happy photo too for some reason. I quite like the strong colours in the wood and the yellow in the axe, and the the cap’s hanging off it. Maybe the happiness is suggested in the wood chopper taking a break. :p

Technology - That’s really sweet, the pairing of both your Christmas presents at presumably the same age. :) I love the old tech vs. new tech comparison.

Horizontal - Nice bit of thinking out of the box for the theme. :) I know nothing about these fancy photo effects at the moment, but it looks cool to me.
Personal - Well, that’s certainly unexpected. :p Nice job growing that hair, lol.

Effort - Lots of effort gone in there. :) Looks like hard work but it looks like a happy photo too for some reason. I quite like the strong colours in the wood and the yellow in the axe, and the the cap’s hanging off it. Maybe the happiness is suggested in the wood chopper taking a break. :p

Technology - That’s really sweet, the pairing of both your Christmas presents at presumably the same age. :) I love the old tech vs. new tech comparison.

Horizontal - Nice bit of thinking out of the box for the theme. :) I know nothing about these fancy photo effects at the moment, but it looks cool to me.

Thanks for taking the time and for the positive comments Sheylara, much appreciated.