weekly It is what it is, Sirching for 52/2016 - 52 - Celebrate

I'm going against the grain here and saying I prefer the first for the theme. The processing really brings out the rough texture of the stone, and it brings to mind rough justice as well so doubly on them for me. I like the smaller cross in the bg, mirroring the larger, too.
Hard to choose between those two Chris they're so different and both excellent for the theme. Perfect choice of b&w for crucifix one, it really brings out all the surrounding textures. Rough #2 looks better viewed on Flickr it really shows the detail on the path, love the low aspect and the composition, well done with both ideas.

I do like a good graveyard pic and the high contrast does show off the rough texture of the stone but it knd of meeds a different BG as it blends on a little so I am going to say number 2, I like the low aspect the path has been taken from which shows the detail

I'm going against the grain here and saying I prefer the first for the theme. The processing really brings out the rough texture of the stone, and it brings to mind rough justice as well so doubly on them for me. I like the smaller cross in the bg, mirroring the larger, too.

I like both Chris... probably the first for me because of the way you've used the hard sunlight to make the image work. I really like it and think you've handled the conditions exceptionally well (y)

I would opt for the second shot which to me would be more theme fitting with the rough terrain of the track/path.

Thanks all, I glad there are different opinions because I (obviously I guess) thought both fitted the theme well. As Emma said the thing that struck me about the crucifixion was the double interpretation of rough stone and rough justice/treatment. The rough track was the original idea for he theme and took quite a bit of faffing to get a reasonable shot more or less into the sun.
Horizontal - I like the hint of the train passing through I agree great choice for theme ;)
Vast - both great landscapes I like the 1st best with its fantastic sky
rough - two more good shots I like the 2nd one best.
Horizontal - I like the hint of the train passing through I agree great choice for theme ;)
Vast - both great landscapes I like the 1st best with its fantastic sky
rough - two more good shots I like the 2nd one best.

Thanks Minx
1st rough for me too Chris, nice textured and nicely processed to B&W
Nice work Chris ... liking both of those

I will select #2 as my fave. I love paths and that POV.
Well, what else? may be a bit of cliche from me but I've wanted to go back and photograph this cave entrance for a while so I took the chance.
FairiesCave by TheWub, on Flickr

This was an also ran from Saturday, more of a record shot really but a surprising amount of snow on the Pennines for the end of April

FromWetSleddale by TheWub, on Flickr
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Both good shots for the theme Chris - interesting to see the Pennines under snow at this time of year. I like the cave best for the textures and colour but mostly for the wet surface on the lh face. :clap:
Both good shots for the theme Chris - interesting to see the Pennines under snow at this time of year. I like the cave best for the textures and colour but mostly for the wet surface on the lh face. :clap:
Thanks Carl

Those caves are fascinating - so organic and full of texture. I imagine the insides of our bodies must look very similar :eek:
Thanks Emma, I hope my insides don't look like that :)
I prefer the snow / Pennines shot of the two.
Not sure about the bottom white cloud though. Was it really like that, or was it editing?
That's how it was, I haven't retouched it atall just I increased the contrast and gave it a bit of clarity and saturation
I've wanted to go back and photograph this cave entrance for a while
I can see why, Chris, there are very interesting textures being formed there, I can see 4 faces without even trying, (and I'm sure there is more if I look)
I love that stuff (y)
I can see why, Chris, there are very interesting textures being formed there, I can see 4 faces without even trying, (and I'm sure there is more if I look)
I love that stuff (y)
Thanks Chris
Hi Chris :)

Nice cave shot again, I really like these, must be very hard to get the right lighting !!!
Thanks Dean, that one was quite difficult because it was bright sunshine outside and it was hard to get a good position for the flash because it is quite narrow.

Prefer the snow covered mountains shot, nice dramatic sky.
Thanks Stan.
snow on mountain shot is interesting ... FG, MG, BG and lots of sky confusion. (y)
snow on mountain shot is interesting ... FG, MG, BG and lots of sky confusion. (y)
Thanks ... I think :confused:? As I said it was really more of a record shot taken at the wrong time of day for good landscape lighting.
Chris, I'd struggle with the light in the cave, not sure if I would I enter in the first place to be honest. Like the idea
Chris, I'd struggle with the light in the cave, not sure if I would I enter in the first place to be honest. Like the idea
Thanks Chris, lighting caves is a lot easier with digital!

Cobra's got me looking for faces now o_O...fabulous texture in those rocks Chris, but I do like the snow one too ....I love the viewpoint, I can't remember the last time we had snow in Cornwall !
Thanks Susie, I lived down there from 1983 to 86 and we had snow one of those years but surely you've had snow since though, what about 2011?
I've lived here for 35 years Chris and I can only recall proper snow ...the sort you throw snowballs with, about three times ....the heaviest I've ever seen was in the eighties when we actually managed to sledge down the hill nearby. We did have some in 2010 but that only lasted about two days :) it never settles for long.
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Very impessive, love the texture of the rockmwiyh the opening splash of green
Hello Chris, a bit of a catch up from me! :)

Vast - Nice panos! The first one stands out for me. Love the thick clouds and contrast of light and dark on either side of them.

Rough - First one is a nice B&W with contrasty highlights and shadows. Second one I like a lot because of the low angle perspective and the details on the rocks.

Covered - Interesting light and shadows on the cave entrance. It’s got a forbidding look, like a monster’s maw (you can see two dark eyes at the top). Nicely shot!
Hello Chris, a bit of a catch up from me! :)

Vast - Nice panos! The first one stands out for me. Love the thick clouds and contrast of light and dark on either side of them.

Rough - First one is a nice B&W with contrasty highlights and shadows. Second one I like a lot because of the low angle perspective and the details on the rocks.

Covered - Interesting light and shadows on the cave entrance. It’s got a forbidding look, like a monster’s maw (you can see two dark eyes at the top). Nicely shot!
Thanks for taking the time Sheylara, much appreciated
It's the snow/Penines shot for me. It's a fab landscape. Well balanced picture and lots to see :clap:

The cave makes me feel a bit aaagh as it looks very intestinal on the lhs.
It's the snow/Penines shot for me. It's a fab landscape. Well balanced picture and lots to see :clap:

The cave makes me feel a bit aaagh as it looks very intestinal on the lhs.
Thanks @Bruja, it's really calcite, quite hard and rough but I know what you mean
Covered - I like both shots but the cave entrance, with its different textures is the more interesting of the two for me.