weekly rpn's 2021 52 Photo Challenge - Week 52 SHOWCASE added **COMPLETE**

I come across the toy photography genre by accident during lock-down last year. Apparently, there's a whole community of toy/action figures photographers out there and on social media. Some take hours setting up scenes in the studio and some even use fireworks, smoke machine etc. I, myself, have tried a few during last year when we weren't allowed to go anywhere.

These two were taken yesterday. The first was a combination of using firelighters, sparklers and photoshop. The sky in the second surfers shot didn't play ball it was hazy and lacking any colour.

Week 19 Toys

Escape by Stan, on Flickr

Trooper Surfers by Stan, on Flickr
I come across the toy photography genre by accident during lock-down last year. Apparently, there's a whole community of toy/action figures photographers out there and on social media. Some take hours setting up scenes in the studio and some even use fireworks, smoke machine etc. I, myself, have tried a few during last year when we weren't allowed to go anywhere.
Yeah, I follow a landscape photographer on Instagram and during lockdown she started making her own landscapes using little models and whatever was lying around the house. By the end of lockdown, companies were hiring her for shoots (one I remember was an ice cream landscape).

Great shots by the way. Especially the first one. Did you take a blow torch to your stormtroopers for the scorch marks?
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Nice toy shots. Of course, they'll miss that wave :)
Yeah, I follow a landscape photographer on Instagram and during lockdown she started making her own landscapes using little models and whatever was lying around the house. By the end of lockdown, companies were hiring her for shoots (one I remember was an ice cream landscape).

Great shots by the way. Especially the first one. Did you take a blow torch to your stormtroopers for the scorch marks?

Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to comment. Welcome to TP btw.

No, don't want to ruin the troopers yet and want to keep them clean for more photos. The burn marks are where Photoshop comes in.
My wife picked up a copy of "Figure Fantasy" for a birthday a few years ago and this reminds me very much of that. Loving the surfing Stormtroopers. Most amusing!
My wife picked up a copy of "Figure Fantasy" for a birthday a few years ago and this reminds me very much of that. Loving the surfing Stormtroopers. Most amusing!

Thanks, Ian. I've to google what FF is about. Might even order a copy now just for the price.
The first shot could be a movie scene... it's loaded with potential dialogue, and full of atmosphere.
Both images suit the theme well, they certainly look like they took a bit of time to setup. Your attention to detail is appreciated. Thanks for the mention about wires, I didn't think of using them when I have tried posing figures.
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Both images suit the theme well, they certainly look like they took a bit of time to setup. Your attention to detail is appreciated. Thanks for the mention about wires, I didn't think of using them when I have tried posing figures.

Thanks, Stuart. I've taken a few of these Action Figures shots so I find the setting up wasn't too bad. I remember the frustration I had during my first try, every time just when I was about to press the shutter one of the figures would fell over.
Lovely composition, I really like the overhead shot. Nice colours, great for the theme and the lighting and background are very nice.
Nice angle on the things. That biggest one does look real!
Two really good shots. The first is full of action, well thought out and well executed. But I'm going to say the second shot wins it for me. The thing is I can't say why, it just seems to appeal to me.

I'll tell you what, they do look quite really.
It's not the easiest of themes is it.
Lovely composition, I really like the overhead shot. Nice colours, great for the theme and the lighting and background are very nice.

Thanks, Jim. For a change, an overhead view from me this week. The lighting was just natural window light with an A3 size white paper at the 'bottom' to reduce the dark shadow.

I thought they were real at first glance Stan, the POV is perfect to include the whole bowl, it suits the theme well, I like it.

Thanks, Susie. Yes they do look real.
Nice angle on the things. That biggest one does look real!

Thanks, Dave. I know my wife hasn't water them for months and they all still alive and looking good. :ROFLMAO:

Two really good shots. The first is full of action, well thought out and well executed. But I'm going to say the second shot wins it for me. The thing is I can't say why, it just seems to appeal to me.

I'll tell you what, they do look quite really.
It's not the easiest of themes is it.

Cheers, Dominic. Could be that the second Toy shot is simplier and cleaner.

I think the same Artificial theme comes round too quickly. We did it only last year week 38.
Nice, simple composition and I do enjoy square images. Lots of variation in the greens which works well to hold interest.

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Nice, simple composition and I do enjoy square images. Lots of variation in the greens which works well to hold interest.


Thanks, Ian. I do agree with the crop ratio suits the image.

That looks amazingly real! Nicely captured!

Thanks, Beb. No watering required, ever. :)
It does look real, it can be difficult to tell fake and real succulents apart with their appearance which is great for the non-green fingered who still like plants. Although in the defence of the real plants they must be quite hardy as I've not managed to kill mines yet.
It was a tricky theme. I like the simplicity of the composition. A round subject, large and central in a square frame always works for me.
Nicely thought out Stan, it works (y)
Yep - nailed it Stan!