2015 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 we finally made it and its "Christmas" into the bargain

Holy Island will soon be Connected again to the mainland :)

Good togging all.

I'm gonna have to find more obscure themes for next year I think :D
Blimey, just noticed that 3 have their threads up ready for 2016.
Keen or what? :D
Alternative point of view, If I set my thread up now I could play a joker in week one and post it before the start of December. Woot!
Blimey! Probably the first theme of the year where several ideas have popped into my head pretty much straight away :) Just need to find the right scene as it were...
Good luck all (y)
don't pick any of these will you, :)
There are loads left over not picked from this year, which'll go into the "bag" for next year,
plus I'll add more as I think of them (y)

Could be a new record if some of them drop out before the new year!

Alternative point of view, If I set my thread up now I could play a joker in week one and post it before the start of December. Woot!
Well you may have trouble as the 2016 post it here thread is staying :lock: for a few more weeks yet :p
Not long now ..... now will it be drawn AM or PM :thinking:
Well actually while I'm sat here doing nothing, have a treat, I'll put my hand down in the bag now and pull out a theme (y)
Well I had an idea but then my flight got cancelled. (I was due to be in Dubai tomorrow) it's a nice theme though, lots of possibilities. [emoji4]
Well I had an idea but then my flight got cancelled. (I was due to be in Dubai tomorrow) it's a nice theme though, lots of possibilities. [emoji4]
Thats a bugger :(
Well as the sun is shining and I have an early finish, I guess I shall be heading to the zoo, I have a plan :D
Should we put up the shoehorn alert? :naughty:


More like :D
Got my image(s) is it Friday yet?

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My Down was an epic failure. Pre visualisation my ar*e :)
I'm the only one allowed an epic fail!
This is not acceptable :p

And @Bruja
Oi! Pink snake = me!
behave :bat: :p