weekly Bebop's 52 for 2020 - week 52: Decor(ate)

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I've dipped my toe into the 52 once before - in 2017. I managed 52 (although it says 51 on the spreadsheet strangely!), but hardly ever within the timeframe. I'm hoping this time I have to do less catching up!
Here we go...
Week 1. Local Interest plus technique silhouette
Week 2. Pleasure
Week 3. Tool
Week 4. Discarded
Week 5. Snappers Choice
Week 6. Wild
Week 7. Broken
Week 8. Ability
Week 9. Winter
Week 10. Depict a book
Week 11. Transport
Week 12. Fence
Week13. Flora plus technique high key
Week 14. Time
Week 15. Snapper's Choice
Week 16. Initial - user name or real name - B for bloom
Week 17. More than one of something
Week 18. Music
Week 19. Colourful
Week 20. Something Old
Week 21. Liquid
Week 22. Household item
Week 23: Hidden and B&W technique
Week 24: Small
Week 25: Snapper's Choice
Week 26: Mother Nature
Week 27: Sign
Week 28: Secure
Week 29: Something Personal
Week 30: Graceful
Week 31: Static
Week32: Patterns
Week 33: Camouflaged
Week 34: Tiny and technique juxtaposition
Week 35: Snapper's Choice
Week 36: Texture
Week 37: Activity
Week 38: Artificial
Week 39: Autumn and technique artificial light
Week 40: Wet
Week 41: Topical
Week 42: Food
Week 43: Sharp
Week 44: Digital Age
Week 45: Snapper's Choice
Week 46: Narrow
Week 47: Paper
Week 48: Camera
Week 49: Leaves and technique - soft focus
Week 50: Abstract
Week 51: Showcase
Week 52: Decor(ate)
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Week 1 - Local Interest. Technique - silhouette.

In the interests of trying to be on time, I'll add this one. Taken yesterday, and I can see with the weather I won't get another opportunity. A little over processed for me, but trying to make up for a lack of oomph!
There used to be a famous arched rock here. Now it is just a stack.
I think I might get away with the silhouette technique here, as those birds on top are in silhouette. Is that a shoehorn?

Internet playing up, so I may not be around much!


Actually this second one might be better...

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I think possibly #2 too, for the wave crashing on the cliff (though I prefer the blue in #1 and the clouds).
As it's the first week, I'll give you Silhouette :)

in 2017. I managed 52 (although it says 51 on the spreadsheet strangely!)
The 2020 spreadsheet has you down as full in 2017, the 2017 one is owned by DK so I can't edit it.
It has you down as missing 'build', but you didn't...
Nice image, and just about on the Tech theme. I like the first as it's a bit darker.
As it's the first week, I'll give you Silhouette :)
And you accused me of being "Soft" :p

The first one for me too (y)
Another good start - welcome aboard :)
What a terrific, dynamic pair of images @Bebop really tremendous!:clap:
I too prefer #2, simply because it has slightly more energy, though they're both excellent.
Great start to the challenge, can't wait to see more of your super images throughout the year!(y)
Nice shot and a great start to the challenge :)
2 great images to start your 52 for 2020 I think No 2 just clinches it for me due the the bigger splash of the wave crashing against the cliff.
I agree the wave in #2 is better but I like #1 more for the stronger colours
I think possibly #2 too, for the wave crashing on the cliff (though I prefer the blue in #1 and the clouds).
As it's the first week, I'll give you Silhouette :)

The 2020 spreadsheet has you down as full in 2017, the 2017 one is owned by DK so I can't edit it.
It has you down as missing 'build', but you didn't...

Thank you @LC2 I’ll try another silhouette one if I get the chance [emoji16]

I was forever late in 2017 so it’s no wonder the spreadsheet got out of sync. I’m hoping to do better this time, time wise.
Gosh so many responses, thank you everybody. I think I’ll just have to like the posts as it’s tricky quoting so many on my iPad. Will update when on my computer if I get chance.

I thought no. 2 would be the preferred one with the wave, but really interesting that some preferred the colour of no. 1.
Week 2: Pleasure

I had a trip to the local zoo hoping for some pleasure :) Howling winds and rain meant most of the animals hid away, but I was lucky enough to see them doing some 'enrichment' feeding where the animals have to work out how to get at their food.

I think the first shot probably shows more pleasure (although I expect he wishes he was in Africa), but the others were moments when they were given treats.

Got to be the first shot for me, as it shows this great king of the jungle in a lovely pose so a very nice shot indeed.
Thanks Dave. I wasn't sure if it was too 'ordinary' and the others were a bit different - although I didn't have time to square up the bars which would have helped!!

There are a few big cats in the thread, so I guess they bring many of us pleasure.
First one for me too (y)
I wouldn't say that its an "ordinary shot" at all.
It looks very natural. Lion on a rock. Against a bright sky what's not to like? (y)
Definitely the first one for the theme. He has the same look as my mogs when he's sunbathing :)
Thank you @Nostromo @LC2 and @minx. Were you thinking of Aysha, the tiger @minx ?

Love the Lion, I am not a big fan of seeing caged animals, but those are all magnificent looking beasts. What are they being fed?
I'm not a fan either, but I'm a member here because they rescue big cats. The keeper was telling us that they try to let the animals be their own selves and not get closer bonds with humans. Many of the tigers have been de-clawed and had their teeth filed by circuses :(

I think the food is meat in a wrapper and they have to get the wrapper off to get to it. Caspar the lion couldn't be bothered to come down, but apparently he'd had 7Kg of meat that day :oops: :$ mind you the female had had 5Kg!

Thank you @HelenC - my cat gives that satisfied slitty eye look too :)
Welcome back :) I agree with @minx on your week 1 images; I prefer the tones of #1 but love the increased drama of the higher wave in #2.

The big cat images are all so good. The tiger ones are fascinating due to the close-up details and the way they are concentrating on the food puzzle, and they are such beautiful animals, but the lion image is the perfect choice for the theme. As other have said, his closed eyes make him look really relaxed and blissful - he looks just like a happy pussy cat :)
Welcome back :) I agree with @minx on your week 1 images; I prefer the tones of #1 but love the increased drama of the higher wave in #2.

The big cat images are all so good. The tiger ones are fascinating due to the close-up details and the way they are concentrating on the food puzzle, and they are such beautiful animals, but the lion image is the perfect choice for the theme. As other have said, his closed eyes make him look really relaxed and blissful - he looks just like a happy pussy cat :)
Thanks Andrea. Nice to be back and glad to see you're still here. I think you did last year too didn't you?

The lion is like a big (and lazy!) pussycat. I was fascinated to see the way the tiger rubbed his head up against the bars which is just how my cat behaves when she wants to be fed. And they purr too!
Thanks Andrea. Nice to be back and glad to see you're still here. I think you did last year too didn't you?

The lion is like a big (and lazy!) pussycat. I was fascinated to see the way the tiger rubbed his head up against the bars which is just how my cat behaves when she wants to be fed. And they purr too!

Yes, I started last year but dropped out by halfway. I finished in '17 and '18 though and I'm determined to finish this year :)

The largest 'cat' in our local park is a Lynx and they really are like big tabby pussy cats. They're beautiful but I would love a trip to see some bigger cats next time we're over there Where is the rescue place you are a member?
@Manxmaid It is the Isle of Wight Zoo in Sandown. They have changed to become a charitable trust and they have been rescuing tigers and lions. I don't go there too often and to be honest people expecting a full blown zoo could be a little disappointed in some ways as it's not very big, but I like to support the work they do.

There's a little documentary about it here
View: https://youtu.be/RhXE-j2MS_w

I was looking to see if they had the film about the lions they rescued this last year but I couldn't see it. They are HUGE but no manes as they were castrated.
Tremendous set of images Bebop...just wonderful!:clap:

The first is excellent, what a majestic creature indeed...and the expression you've captured is perfect.
Superb composition and crisp focus...just excellent!
The next two images are amazing too...those tigers are simply awe inspiring and fascinating!

This has reminded me that I have a set taken at Thrigby Wildlife park in Norfolk last year, which I must look at again...and maybe get them on Flickr.
Tremendous set of images Bebop...just wonderful!:clap:

The first is excellent, what a majestic creature indeed...and the expression you've captured is perfect.
Superb composition and crisp focus...just excellent!
The next two images are amazing too...those tigers are simply awe inspiring and fascinating!

This has reminded me that I have a set taken at Thrigby Wildlife park in Norfolk last year, which I must look at again...and maybe get them on Flickr.

Thank you kindly @GarethB There wasn’t a lot of choice on composition other than to get a little space for him to look in to - I had to zoom in to lose the cage. He reminds me of The Lion King [emoji846]

I must get back on Flickr. I’ve joined the TP52 group, but haven’t put my pics in there, or on Flickr!
Week 3. Tool

I probably shouldn't have chosen this background because of the potential offending lack of symmetry, but here it is... or they are... my pliers/wire cutters.... we never have a plier do we?

I've chosen B & W as the handles are aqua green and the mat emerald green.... which doesn't sit well with me :LOL:

Another B&W and good to see too that three have now come in, I might of cropped a little bit from the bottom but still a nice shot.
Thanks @Dave70D. The angle is annoying me :LOL: I want to rotate it them a little clockwise - the pliers that is, not the mat.
I know I'm going to get busy this week, so wanted to get it under my (tool) belt!
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