weekly Clives TP 52 Week 52: Celebrate

Game -Love the way you have captured the expression on the little girls face :clap:
Serene - Certainly fit the theme - lovely colours
Black and White - Good composition and very well suited to the theme. I like the stripes.
Good catch up Clive, ancient doesn't come more ancient and I like that you left in the gravel at the bottom right

Urban is nicely seen and captured but could perhaps do with a bit of a clockwise rotation

Pair is a very good take on the theme well seen and captured
A good catch-up Clive. Like the mosaic best of the set - such intricate workmanship.
urban - looks a bit overexposed to me, and as Chris has already mentioned, it could do with a bit of a clockwise rotation. Otherwise a nice urban(-ish) scene, and good to know that happy hour hot dogs in Chichester are only £2 :)

Pair is a great take on the subject and well captured.
Three great shots for your catch up I think if I had to choose I like the mosaic best- lovely detail and subtle colours.
Hi Clive,
Ancient - Made them to last in those days didn't they ;) The inclusion of the gravel helps as it adds contrast, without it the image looks a bit washed out.
Urban - Not one of your best shots Clive, over exposed and on the skew.
Pair - Good take on the theme. Slight crit that the shot may be a bit front focused, the grass in the foreground seems sharper than the texture of the stone.
Big - Yup, that's a big bridge. Nicely exposed in the bright sunlight. I may have cropped in a little on the left as there is an interloper in the shot which doesn't add anything.
Hi Clive,
Ancient - Made them to last in those days didn't they ;) The inclusion of the gravel helps as it adds contrast, without it the image looks a bit washed out.
Urban - Not one of your best shots Clive, over exposed and on the skew.
Pair - Good take on the theme. Slight crit that the shot may be a bit front focused, the grass in the foreground seems sharper than the texture of the stone.
Big - Yup, that's a big bridge. Nicely exposed in the bright sunlight. I may have cropped in a little on the left as there is an interloper in the shot which doesn't add anything.

I don't like my urban either!
Thanks for the advice on the crop, you are right! Cheers as always for your cc.
Hi Clive

Urban - as Tim says it looks a little over exposed and on an angle good idea and take on the theme though.
Pair - That's a little different
Big - Really nice love how the bridge recedes into the image nice details and colours
Hi Clive. Didn't recognise it .. not that I'm a regular user. Good choice - it is a big bridge and your POV certainly does it justice. Nice clean lines and details.
Yes, that's a big bridge. Well exposed against the blue sky, but maybe you should lift the shadows in the foreground a bit? Great PoV.
It certainly looks different.

Nice PoV love the bright red post box really pulls you in to the image.
Is that even the same house? Good idea, and good work!
That's some conversion Clive - extraordinary change. I agree with Mark about that red post box .. really draws the eye.
Not the first thing you would expect to see in a seaside shop eh! Well spotted and bang on theme.
Great find for Alien still trying to find one (starting to think they don't exist.....)

Got to be the first one for Liquid for me brilliantly timed shot.
Great find for alien! And I like you first shot for liquid, great timing.
Great find on the Alien, Clive,
Although they all have their merits, its the second liquid for me.

(starting to think they don't exist.....)
Of course they do, have you never seen "Paul"?
First liquid for me, I really like the spray, good take on the theme
Great bit of timing for the first shot Clive but the second is beautifully scenic and gets my vote.