LC's 52 Shoehorns for 2016 : Week 52 - Celebration

Like the original #2 shot but theme wise prefer #3. Like the focus just on the gauge.
Ta Stan. I thought the use of one loco to frame part of another worked well, my preference is #2, but it's not enough on theme.

#1 is kinda surreal, and not really much detail, although I could see what it was, I much prefer #3 tbh, Tim.
It did pretty much kill the detail, but that really was the effect I was looking for. I'll still take #1 over #3 ;)
Week 38 : Pair(s)

When taking the shots for this week, this was originally my 'backup' image

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 38 : Pair
by Tim White, on Flickr

With this one originally the one I thought I was going to post

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 38 : Pair
by Tim White, on Flickr

However, on review, the simplicity of the pair of wheels (these are a pair of wheels for the front truck of a Bulleid West Country) won out over the pair of running lights & pair of buffers on the second shot.
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So behind on your thread Tim - sorry! I love the trampolining shot - really well caught and framed. I like the idea behind urban as well with the motion blur - I feel as if there should be a little more space to the left although I never think of these things when shooting in that sort of business. I think I prefer the first of your pair shots - lots of nice detail on the wheels.
I agree TIm, the end-on view of the wheels I think makes them more clearly a pair, or is that pair of pairs? Although I do like that there are a pair of lights and a pair of buffers in the second
So behind on your thread Tim - sorry! I love the trampolining shot - really well caught and framed. I like the idea behind urban as well with the motion blur - I feel as if there should be a little more space to the left although I never think of these things when shooting in that sort of business. I think I prefer the first of your pair shots - lots of nice detail on the wheels.
Hi Emma. No worries, I'm behind on my comments too...
Urban was cropped a little, you're missing out on a lamp post, a roadworks sign , a couple of chaps walking and texting and 1/2 a person right on the edge of the frame. These really didn't add anything to the shot.
Mind you, you're also missing out on the peleton that was inbound on CS6 southbound from Blackfriars Bridge. Bloody thing is a menace and should be ripped up.
Wheels for me too I take it there is some kind of restoration going on here
A nice set of buffers Tim, but I'm liking the wheels more as a shot too, liking the handwriting on them and the symmetry of them, the image just works more for me (y)
You can see why I initially thought that the lights / buffers was the way to go for the theme, but the wheels ended up as my favourite too.

Wheels for me too I take it there is some kind of restoration going on here
Yes, the majority of the rest of the loco those wheels are off is in the shed that is off to the left of the image,
It's this loco:
though it's still a couple of years off of being completed.
Hi Tim. Both good but I'm bucking the trend in opting for the second as my preference. The distressed white of those running lights set against the bright red of the heavy engineered buffers makes it for me.
A nice erm pair of images Tim, it tough to choose between them TBH.
Two great shots for pair, my favourite are the wheels.
I followed the link its a bit of a workhorse that, quite plain but interesting bit of 50s design
Built between '45 & '51 it was such a waste that the youngest were withdrawn / scrapped after only 16 years in service.

Hi Tim. Both good but I'm bucking the trend in opting for the second as my preference. The distressed white of those running lights set against the bright red of the heavy engineered buffers makes it for me.
well, they were my original thought (the lights and the buffers), but I still feel the wheels work better.

A nice erm pair of images Tim, it tough to choose between them TBH.

Two very nice shots for Pair. Lots of detail for the wheels. Like the buffers shot too but find the Danger sign a bit of distraction.
And there was me thinking I should have tried harder to get the whole warning sign in !

Two great shots for pair, my favourite are the wheels.
I like the first pair, because there very big whilst the other pair are a bit small.
Hi, Pair #1 for me, very colourful and I do like a nice vintage train.

I'd prefer it to be more symmetrical and maybe closer to loose some of the distractions, RHS and upper LHS.

Hard to choose but I think the first one for me, I like the way the wheels fill the frame.
Love your first image for Pairs Tim as Liz says the wheels fill the frame nicely.
I like the first pair, because there very big whilst the other pair are a bit small.
They certainly fill the frame more.

Hard to choose between the two Tim but I think I'm agreeing with Carl and going for the red buffers, I think combination of the black, red, and white makes for an interesting photo.
hat was my original thought while taking the shots, but when back on the PC I decided on the Wheels as my fav.

Hi, Pair #1 for me, very colourful and I do like a nice vintage train.

I'd prefer it to be more symmetrical and maybe closer to loose some of the distractions, RHS and upper LHS.

Hmm, more symmetry would involve standing on the running line, which would probably get me a repremand.

Hard to choose but I think the first one for me, I like the way the wheels fill the frame.

Love your first image for Pairs Tim as Liz says the wheels fill the frame nicely.
Very well done Tim, sharp, good details and it works really well at night with the lights on.
Ah! so that's where you got to on your early rise. Wonderfully well taken Tim - an excellent pano with starburst effects and the fullest spectrum of light and darkness.
Really like this Tim very nice Panoramic image great details and lighting
Great panoramic image, very sharp and great contrast!
Very well done Tim, sharp, good details and it works really well at night with the lights on.

Amazing panoramic view, a huge train.

Ah! so that's where you got to on your early rise. Wonderfully well taken Tim - an excellent pano with starburst effects and the fullest spectrum of light and darkness.
Yup, well it was one of 3 shots I took for the challenge on Saturday, all before the rain came.

Really like this Tim very nice Panoramic image great details and lighting

Great panoramic image, very sharp and great contrast!

That looks long can't argue with that works well

To be fair, it's okay, but it's not great.
At forum and even normal flickr size it has come out fairly well, but if you download and take a peak at the full size image then there is a section where the focus is obviously off.
That said, I wasn't making life easy for myself, for a first time at doing a pano, picking pitch black at about 6am from an unlit end of one of the platforms was one of my smarter ideas!
The 1.45GB psd was interesting to process too ;)
Week 38 - Re-Shoot : Urban

The Undercroft 'skate park' under the Festival Wing of the Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank.
Currently under threat from development, there is a campaign, "Long Live South Bank" trying to ensure it remains in place for the communities that currently use it.

I thought this piece of urban art was quite topical.

TP 52 for 2016 - Re-shoot : Urban
by Tim White, on Flickr
That's a great bit of graffiti Tim; never seen Mary Berry look better. Excellent choice - love the colourful artwork.
Really like that Tim some really vibrant colours, some great textures when viewed at full size on Flickr.

At first I wasn't sure about the inclusion of the post/wall on the right but after looking at it again I think it is needed.
That's a great bit of graffiti Tim; never seen Mary Berry look better. Excellent choice - love the colourful artwork.
I went to the undercroft deliberately to shoot some of the urban artwork. I didn't know what I was going to find, this really was a bonus.

Really like that Tim some really vibrant colours, some great textures when viewed at full size on Flickr.

At first I wasn't sure about the inclusion of the post/wall on the right but after looking at it again I think it is needed.
To the right of the pillar was Paul Hollywood, but nowhere near as well done as Mary, and also with grafitti over the image.
So I used the pillar as a natural break.. Glad you think it works.

Great Graffiti shot, love the colours in that
Ta Clive. Worth the effort of getting up at 4am to get it.
Week 36 : Ancient

Okay, so maybe not strictly ancient, but certainly getting on in years.
What I like about it is texture of the structure and the sign. There are also some interesting colours on the metal below the sign.
Pleased to get the shot on a contrasty day, I don't think flat light would have worked.
Shot at f/2.8 to blur the tree and sky in the background. Deliberately shot from below from that angle to remove closer distractions.

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 36 : Ancient
by Tim White, on Flickr
Good take on the theme, I like the way the sign is broken but still hanging in there and I agree that that the lighting add to the texture and interest, I also agree with the inclusion of the OOF tree, gives it some scale and context
The right hand side is full of the interesting detail I personally like, but Imn ot sure about the tree. I get that you can only lose so much from the frame.

However, I do think it is really nice lit.

OOI, what was to the left ?

Also, what exactly is it ?
I think that really works well. Good thinking behind the shot .. especially agree about flat lighting. What an incredibly great mix of colours in the upright immediately below the sign.
Having just watched the Bake Off that's definitely a good likeness - and a great choice for the theme. I wonder if just cropping the orange part of the wall on the right would have worked?
I really like the shot for ancient - the light falling across the number works so well, nicely composed too.
Hi Tim

I like your take on Ancient some lovely textures in the sign and metal structure its fixed to.I like the oof tree on the left as it pushes your eye back to the sign