LC's 52 Shoehorns for 2016 : Week 52 - Celebration

Good take on the theme, I like the way the sign is broken but still hanging in there and I agree that that the lighting add to the texture and interest, I also agree with the inclusion of the OOF tree, gives it some scale and context
Ta Chris

The right hand side is full of the interesting detail I personally like, but Imn ot sure about the tree. I get that you can only lose so much from the frame.

However, I do think it is really nice lit.

OOI, what was to the left ?

Also, what exactly is it ?
It's the bridge number on the footbridge at Chiswick Station.
To the left would have been the other platform, I was actually crouched under the bridge so that I could avoid platform furniture in the background on either side.
I had an alternative shot with the tree fully in the background but thought this one better.

I think that really works well. Good thinking behind the shot .. especially agree about flat lighting. What an incredibly great mix of colours in the upright immediately below the sign.
You have to zoom in to really see teh detail in the colour, but yes :)

Having just watched the Bake Off that's definitely a good likeness - and a great choice for the theme. I wonder if just cropping the orange part of the wall on the right would have worked?
I really like the shot for ancient - the light falling across the number works so well, nicely composed too.
I played with various different crops of the pillar, settled on that one as the best.

Hi Tim

I like your take on Ancient some lovely textures in the sign and metal structure its fixed to.I like the oof tree on the left as it pushes your eye back to the sign
Cheers Mark.
That's a great shot Tim. Very atmospheric, great light and great silhouette of London.
Tim that's a cracker

Lovely light and a great silhouette of the London landscape.
Hi Tim ...phew you turn your back for a few days on the main thread and sudden you're miles behind :(

Love your take for Serene, brilliant lighting, definitely one to keep, I'm sure it would be a sought after image on Shutterstock or somewhere like that.

Smashing light again on Ancient, an unusual subject too, it works really well.

Well discovered for Urban, the people who do that graffiti are amazing artists aren't they, very talented.

Really like the panorama, doubt you could get a much wider view than that.
Wow...that's a wonderful shot Tim - great light. mood and those iconic bridges...really beautiful :clap:
Thanks Emma, wirth getting up early for then eh? :)

Great photo for serene, one for the wall I think (y)
I think it will be, yes.

Brilliant shot Tim.

That's a great shot Tim. Very atmospheric, great light and great silhouette of London.

Tim that's a cracker

Lovely light and a great silhouette of the London landscape.
It really is all about the light. 30 minutes later and the shot would have been nothing like this. TO be fair, even 10 minutes before it wasn't, I have the .cr2s to prove it :)

Hi Tim ...phew you turn your back for a few days on the main thread and sudden you're miles behind :(

Love your take for Serene, brilliant lighting, definitely one to keep, I'm sure it would be a sought after image on Shutterstock or somewhere like that.

Smashing light again on Ancient, an unusual subject too, it works really well.

Well discovered for Urban, the people who do that graffiti are amazing artists aren't they, very talented.

Really like the panorama, doubt you could get a much wider view than that.
I'm quite pleased with all of the recent shots, but Serene is the keeper isn't it.
The pano isn't great (at least if you down load the full res and pixel peek), but not too shabby for a first attempt in the pitch black.

Your serene is fantastic, lovely tones.:clap:
Thanks Clive

Wow great shot for serene. (y)
Thanks Nigel.
You have caught the light at a good time for serene as you say 10 minutes either side and its s different pic, not sure about after what you wrote looks like English but I have no idea what it means, something's obviously seen better days and I will leave it at that
I understand it's train related, and there's a hole in the train, but it doesn't work for me. It looks like a photo that you send in with your insurance claim :cautious:
Hi Tim

That looks like my brothers Worsley Hornet when he first got it, he said it had a bit of surface rust:ROFLMAO:.

Some nice details in there
Hi Tim. I like the textures and the yellow, green and rust red combination in the image.
Nicely shoehorned, Tim :D
Great colours and textures (y)
Hi Tim

Like the original colour fuel gauge, but doesn't fit the B&W theme. Doh.

Train bits and more train bits, two by two ... lovely aren't they!

Quality graffiti.

Nice tones in ancient.

Serene is not really ... lovely image tho ... that FG low water and silhouetted Tower Bridge, nice one.

More lovely train colours/textures. :D
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You have caught the light at a good time for serene as you say 10 minutes either side and its s different pic, not sure about after what you wrote looks like English but I have no idea what it means, something's obviously seen better days and I will leave it at that
Cheers Allan. I'm very pleased with Serene. After was a bit of a shoe horn, but 'After' a hard life was my thought.

I understand it's train related, and there's a hole in the train, but it doesn't work for me. It looks like a photo that you send in with your insurance claim :cautious:
Heh, I can see what you mean. And after sooo much carefull editting too ;)

After a hard life, in for some renovation, works for me (y)
Cheers Chris

Hi Tim

That looks like my brothers Worsley Hornet when he first got it, he said it had a bit of surface rust:ROFLMAO:.

Some nice details in there
British engineering at it's post war best then :)

Hi Tim. I like the textures and the yellow, green and rust red combination in the image.
Cheers Carl. That was kind of the idea, to capture textures

Nicely shoehorned, Tim :D
Great colours and textures (y)
Cheers Chris, it was about time I shoe horned a loco (or part of) in again (mind you, no one has commented on the 2 trains in Serene ;) )

Similar idea and thoughts behind the shot. Nice image, clear and well lit. Nice welding too.
Ta Stan.

Hi Tim

Like the original colour fuel gauge, but doesn't fit the B&W theme. Doh.

Train bits and more train bits, two by two ... lovely aren't they!

Quality graffiti.

Nice tones in ancient.

Serene is not really ... lovely image tho ... that FG low water and silhouetted Tower Bridge, nice one.

More lovely train colours/textures. :D
Cheers David.
B&W, yes the colour version was my favourite, but to hit the theme I had to play with the edits.
The graffiti at the Undercroft was very well done, Mary was my favourite of them.
Serene, interesting that you don't see it as serene, it was very peaceful at that time of the morning, even though it is pretty much central London. Only the occasional jogger passing by making the wobbly bridge wobble.
(mind you, no one has commented on the 2 trains in Serene ;) )
Maybe because I (we) didn't see them? :D

Alien, a brilliant idea Tim, and TBH I didn't know that was actually a place!
A clever idea for Alien Tim. I like #2 best with that mist adding a sense of spookiness to the scene. Well taken.
Loving your idea for Alien.
The misty centre shot is just as I'd imagined!
I've got that base line in my head now, and the sound of the cylinder unscrewing!
excellent idea, have to admit I didnt get it at first thank god for google
I've got that base line in my head now, and the sound of the cylinder unscrewing!
You too eh? ....

.... Goddamnit! I've had to go to you tube now :D
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I had to google too, but now it makes all sense. Great triptych that tells a story.
Cheers David.

Serene, interesting that you don't see it as serene, it was very peaceful at that time of the morning, even though it is pretty much central London. Only the occasional jogger passing by making the wobbly bridge wobble.
I see it now ... a stonking image.
A clever idea for Alien Tim. I like #2 best with that mist adding a sense of spookiness to the scene. Well taken.
Yes, #2 was my favourite too, but I had to get the Sand Pits in.

Loving your idea for Alien.
The misty centre shot is just as I'd imagined!
I've got that base line in my head now, and the sound of the cylinder unscrewing!

excellent idea, have to admit I didnt get it at first thank god for google

You too eh? ....

.... Goddamnit! I've had to go to you tube now :D
It seems totally incredible to me now that everyone spent that evening as if it were any other.
From the railway station came the sound of shunting trains, ringing and rumbling, softened almost into melody by the distance.
It all seemed so safe... and tranquil.

Nice one Tim, I learned something

Me too! The central shot with the mist certainly looks as if a ufo landing could be imminent... :)
It made it worth leaving home at about 05:30 to get to Horsell and actually find the place.

3 Very nice images Tim I too had to google it!

I had to google too, but now it makes all sense. Great triptych that tells a story.

Took a while for it to sink in for me too Tim :rolleyes: but I got there in the end ....what an excellent idea, I love the centre shot with the mist.

I see it now ... a stonking image.
Cheers David

No idea at all until I read Allan @alsjazzera comments. I actually saw the show some years ago.
Oh dear Stan. Having seen it and not getting the reference ;)
Mind you, if it was that carpy version with Tom Cruise...

Nice triptych Tim - especially Loving that centre image with the mist :)
Thanks DK

I'll just leave this link here for those of you who didn't catch the 1938 Orsen Welles broadcast.
It seems totally incredible to me now that everyone spent that evening as if it were any other.
From the railway station came the sound of shunting trains, ringing and rumbling, softened almost into melody by the distance.
It all seemed so safe... and tranquil.

And out comes the CD again!!
From the railway station came the sound of shunting trains
And you even managed to shoe horn in a train in your reply :rolleyes:

I'll just leave this link here for those of you who didn't catch the 1938 Orsen Welles broadcast.
Ah yes I remember it well (y)