weekly Nod's '23 52 - Week 21 - Near by.


Nod (UK)
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Well, Chris might!
After toying (mercifully!) briefly with the idea of my "Gentleman's area", I decided that my corner of the lounge was a FAR better idea, so here it is!

My tatty old blue armchair, previously Dad's, complete with cat shredded arm.
Assorted TV remotes, the standard lamp that doubles as a "tech" tree (it's some sort of ivy-like climber with the tree it was climbing and its own bark removed - handy for hanging cameras, binoculars, reading specs etc. from!), the Hi-Fi, several wooden models, everything I need so I don't have to move too far! Just need a fridge and a microwave...

Looks very comfy indeed.
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Almost too comfy. Don’t forget to keep active. Getting out to take pics helps keep you healthy!
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Almost too comfy. Don’t forget to keep active. Getting out to take pics helps keep you healthy!

Played a round of golf this morning - not a completely lazy get!!!
Exercise was, golf very rarely is!
Nice “man” corner Nod.
Golf? Between heavy frosts, torrential rain and some time away, I've only been able to play once since beginning of December. Serious withdrawal problems here…..:(
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Good image for the theme, certainly looks comfy
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Looks like a comfy 'man corner'. I'm wondering what it would look like with less ambient light, and more light from the lamp??
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Nice “man” corner Nod.
Golf? Between heavy frosts, torrential rain and some time away, I've only been able to play once since beginning of December. Serious withdrawal problems here…..:(

Being well insulated, cold doesn't put me off and decent waterproofs make moderate rain bearable (IF anyone lese is willing to bear it!). The course I play at is reasonably drained so has only been closed twice in the 10 years or so I've been playing - once for snow (none of the staff could get there!) and once for fog (opened once the fog had lifted).

Looks like a comfy 'man corner'. I'm wondering what it would look like with less ambient light, and more light from the lamp??

Dark with just the lamp, still a bit too dark with the ceiling spots aimed at the corner so I added some flash. Being a compact, the flash isn't as controllable as I'd like - the shot above is as good as I could get.
Every man deserves an area with armchair, good area, just missing the clubs ️
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Mrs Nod is very accommodating, I have a very small area of a small bedroom and the garage of corse
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Good idea for the theme but I kind of agree about it being to bright it would look at lot more cosy with just the lamp light
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Proper job man area, I play golf often in Newquay, its crazy. Ok I will get my coat:exit:
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Good idea for the theme but I kind of agree about it being to bright it would look at lot more cosy with just the lamp light

It is. So cosy that it would need a higher ISO that the X-30 is comfortable with!
That looks like a really comfortable setup Nod. It has everything that I would need except a coffee station...1673477365103.png...
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Plenty of interesting elements, enjoyed zooming into the image, the post it notes caught my eye
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That looks like a really comfortable setup Nod. It has everything that I would need except a coffee station...View attachment 378390...

If I'd taken a step to the left, the Tassimo machine would have been in shot! Much as we both like briki brewed coffee, it's a bit of a PITA so we put up with the machine stuff!

Plenty of interesting elements, enjoyed zooming into the image, the post it notes caught my eye

Don't zoom in too far - you'll see some of my passwords!!! Then you'll be able to book me tee times and enter my golf scores. ;)
You have a laptop on your chair, in my house that would be a dog and I'd have to sit on the floor!
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It used to be a cat but I was bigger than her so could lift her off the chair. Not that I always did, because the chair was more hers than mine! Both were Dad's before he died 11 years ago and we took both on. The front of the closest arm of the chair is still shredded and will remain so in loving memory.
Great shot of a very comfortable looking Mister's area. Mrs Vanishedbob would never be so accommodating for me.
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Looks a good comfy area. Id want to move the chair a bit closer to the fire.
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Great shot of a very comfortable looking Mister's area. Mrs Vanishedbob would never be so accommodating for me.

Took Mrs Nod many years to train me to keep my crap treasured possessions in the one corner!!!

Looks a good comfy area. Id want to move the chair a bit closer to the fire.

The fire hasn't been lit for a few years - the dark line along the bottom of the fire surround is the gas pipe to it. It does look good but the only thing to get much benefit from it was the aforementioned cat. Contemplating getting shot of the gas fire bit and sticking a log burner in the hole but would need to get the chimney lined among other things. Luckily, it's not a cold house!
A couple from me this week. Poor memory told me that the theme this week was "Unfinished" rather than "Incomplete" but luckily, it seems that they are close enough to being synonyms not to be (too much of) a shoehorn!

One unfinished fat block, although the Sparrows and Robins are doing their best!


and a few of last year's baby figs which might make it through the winter to become next year's crop (or at least a small part of it!)


My choice is the figs.
The joy of aging! Artificial eyes, ears and teeth...
(Against artificial stone using artificial light! Colours on contact lenses are for Port and Starboard.)
I did try this looking at the "face" straight but the mirrored image looks much better IMO!

We have the technology.... We can rebuild him...

Bang on subject. Nice quirky shot.
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Defo works with my Home Alone pic

Good stuff and well thought out. :)
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That made me smile, :clap:
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Good stuff and well thought out. :)

As usual, more time spent on the idea than the execution. I was hoping that when MiL moved, we might have a bit more time - not happened yet! Maybe when the house is sold...

That made me smile, :clap:

Job done!

Just realised who the "face" reminds me of - Mr Potato head!
Good one Nod, and you're right, this would look good superimposed on Dave's chat-thread image :D
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The joy of aging! Artificial eyes, ears and teeth...
(Against artificial stone using artificial light! Colours on contact lenses are for Port and Starboard.)
I did try this looking at the "face" straight but the mirrored image looks much better IMO!

View attachment 379494

I have been totally stumped on this theme, so glad I saw your teeth as my dentures can now go in. Good shots.
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