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Sundhnúkur eruptions

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Since i recently got a new drone and I was lucky enough to get some photos of the previous volcano eruption, I wanted to share some photos with you.
This is not the ongoing eruption, but instead the one that stopped about a month ago.
The ongoing eruption is closed and people are not alowed to go close enough to fly a drone to it.

Here is a photo from the first flight. I found a spot where I could fly the drone 4km to reach the volcano. I was extremly happy with this photo but I knew I had to try it again.

Volcano from above by Danniorn, on Flickr

Few days later I went again. Got the picture I wanted, Simular like the top one but with details in the shadows...

Blue Damselfly.

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Love these, they'll be back any day now.

Blue Damselfly. by Dale, on Flickr

Fritillaria Meleagris

Rare Moonless, Clear Night. M31 Andromeda Galaxy

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I needed lots more data as usual. But this is M31 The Andromeda Galaxy tonight taken from outside the front door in a light-polluted area.

A stack of 104 x 8 sec images using my OM1 with 300mm F/4 lens. at F4. ISO 5000.


Aurora tonight

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Aurora by Chris H, on Flickr

Aurora by Chris H, on Flickr

Aurora by Chris H, on Flickr

Castles in the Sky

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A stunning sunset over the fantastic Alport Castles, Peak District

Alport Castles by Joel Spencer, on Flickr

Wild It's Time............

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to chase these guys again.

(image taken under a Schedule 1 licence issued by NatureScot).

It's Time........... by Dale, on Flickr

Pont Tal-Hirion

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This small stone bridge is located on the Migneint moors in the Snowdonia national park. I've photographed it before but many moons ago. I tried a slightly different viewpoint and longer focal length on this occasion.
Pont Tai-hirion by Rory Trappe, on Flickr