2015 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 we finally made it and its "Christmas" into the bargain

Evenin g all :wave:

Nooo photography for me the last week... I worked late all week to be ahead for my move, spent all weekend packing boxes and now my move may not happen until next week :banghead:

I keep popping in briefly to update the spreadsheet and look at the entries, some imaginative ones already and as for Chris's shoehorn, sure raised a much needed smile :D

Looking forward to seeing the rest for this theme...
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What day is it tomorrow '52ers?

Give me a fry, give me a day - That's right it's Fri-a-day! :banana: :woot:
Give me a fry, give me a day - That's right it's Fri-a-day! :banana: :woot:
What happens on a Friday?
Ah yes its fry- day, all the things that are bad for you and covered in Heinz tomato sauce, yes I like Fridays (y)
OK OK @posiview :p
The job I had lined up got cancelled due to the weather...
I'll let the cat out of the bag, well that is the theme, is out.

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Nice one . Like it and it's chucking it down here :) Cheers.
Chucking it down here too, I'm not sure whether I like that theme or not TBH :D
Love that one, well done Cobra :) suits my photography trip planned on Sunday brilliantly.
Well that' s 2 happy bunnies then :D
At the moment, I dont like Fridays, it means im creeping further and further behind lol

Nice theme though and easy at this time of year to get something interesting
At the moment, I dont like Fridays, it means im creeping further and further behind lol
LOL I have no chance of catching up I just jump back in as and when.
Although this time of year tends to be busy rather than manic, so I'm hoping to "say with it"
Nice theme though and easy at this time of year to get something interesting
Its kind of a "catch all" isn't it?
(But I can't do landscapes so I'll have to think laterally I guess :D )
LOL I have no chance of catching up I just jump back in as and when.
Although this time of year tends to be busy rather than manic, so I'm hoping to "say with it"

Ha Ha has yes stick at it, only a few weeks left

Its kind of a "catch all" isn't it?
(But I can't do landscapes so I'll have to think laterally I guess :D )

Just a leaf at this time of year would get you through ;) lol yer just dont think animal and in season, paints a whole lotta wrong!
Yay, I finish work in 5 mins (oops!)...

argh, too many options this week! :banghead:

Can I make a complaint? :p
Haha. What a coincident just back from the Pound Shop with 10 sparklers
Oh yeah just realised that this week not only spans Halloween, but also bonfire night too ;)

How much were they BTW?

Oooo now this theme I should be able to grab something tomorrow afternoon - Yay :)
Hmmm it seems I'm a little too popular, that'll have to change :D
Well peeps, the hospital have just rung me to say I've got to go tomorrow for some (light) surgery on my shoulder. It's just a day case so I"ll be back home tomorrow night. Fortunately I've already done this weeks theme but I'll have to see how I go for commenting and such. They don't give you a lot of time to get stresses about it, they just ring and say 8am tomorrow at the main entrance to the hospital and don't have anything to eat (Well, actually they said mañana, a la puerta del hospital y en ayunas :))

See you later :wave:
Well peeps, the hospital have just rung me to say I've got to go tomorrow for some (light) surgery on my shoulder. It's just a day case so I"ll be back home tomorrow night. Fortunately I've already done this weeks theme but I'll have to see how I go for commenting and such. They don't give you a lot of time to get stresses about it, they just ring and say 8am tomorrow at the main entrance to the hospital and don't have anything to eat (Well, actually they said mañana, a la puerta del hospital y en ayunas :))

See you later :wave:
