weekly 52 for 2014 Post Your Photos Here ;) (No Comments please)

My 52 link is here susiejb 52 /2014 CLOSE

Here is my contribution for close...a bit of a loose play on the word but the idea came into my head and sort of stuck there, so I went with it.

That would be close !

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Week 3 - Close
This is another of one of my favourite subjects, the lovelocks that are attached to Millennium Bridge over The Thames.
Unfortunately, these don't tend to stay for long as the Corporation of London take a dim view of people attaching stuff to their bridge :D
My fit to the theme is its a 'close' up of the padlock and the sentiment behind whats on the padlock, love, closeness etc.
C&C welcome as always.

Week 3 - Close
by iain blake, on Flickr