weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

I like the hidden grave but as the fly is there its a bit of a pity its slightly obscured by the grass
Hi d00d ...running a bit behind ....missed your pavement photo, really nicely done, I like the idea, lots of lovely textures in there, and the green weeds show signs of life too.

I thought at first your Hidden was layering, I remember doing one of my granddaughter peering through some trees that had that sort of effect. Anyway I really like it, it works spot on for the topic.
I guess the bug adds something to the shot, but my original guess was you were aiming for the obscured wording on the grave stone for hidden. The bug kind of distracts for me.
Yes I wish I'd cloned out the pesky bug now. Thanks Tim

Life; I've never heard of Pavement Life TBH, Street Life yes. Image wise its a cracker of a shot; sharp, spot on focus and nice texture.
Hidden; I don't think he's not that well hidden but like your idea of shallow dof and the inclusion of the surrounding.
Pavement Life ... remember where you heard it first. Thanks Stan

Life, a different take, i like it, nice composition,
hidden. bug or no bug it works well,
Hi Michael ... thanks and good to see you around.

Yes like Tim, I thought the bug was incidental. The main focus was on the writing partially hidden behind foliage. Excellent use of DoF and good composition David.
Cheers Carl. (y)
I like the hidden grave but as the fly is there its a bit of a pity its slightly obscured by the grass
Thanks Allan, I know what you mean.

Hi d00d ...running a bit behind ....missed your pavement photo, really nicely done, I like the idea, lots of lovely textures in there, and the green weeds show signs of life too.
Thanks Susie

I thought at first your Hidden was layering, I remember doing one of my granddaughter peering through some trees that had that sort of effect. Anyway I really like it, it works spot on for the topic.
No shoppery here, this is photography for grown ups. :D I'm learning that a long lens is not just for long reach, and you don't necessarily need one with a low f. number to get good oofness.
I really like that David lovely use of DoF and great colours. The little bug adds a second dimension of hidden to the image for me.
For hidden my eyes get drawn to the bug too, I would clone him out so the eyes are drawn to the graves text as the DoF does this nicely, I'm liking the patches of colour too, especially the purple :)
That damned bug. Thanks DK.

Must admit David I don't mind the bug, but might of cropped in a touch to see a little more of the hidden text
see more of the hidden :D Thanks Chris

I really like that David lovely use of DoF and great colours. The little bug adds a second dimension of hidden to the image for me.
Cheers Mark. (y)
Took this in Hyde Park yesterday, thought it was OK, different, also got more of the same with Ken Palace across the pond. Anyway, today after shooting more street, I like this one even more so here goes ...

week 30 Lone(ly)
Looks really chilled out lying on the bench in that sunshine with the waves lapping nearby. Lone for sure.
Great idea for 'life' David and a good composition - I think the crop works particularly well.
Hidden - Another good take on the theme.
Lone - love the colours in this one and again great for the theme:clap:
Fits for lone definitely, I like the way you haven't used the obvious straight on front view, probably because you were hiding in the bushes again, nice, simple and spot on
like the way you haven't used the obvious straight on front view,
I agree with that, the person is mostly hidden almost as though they are saying I want to be alone ;)

Nicely spotted and taken David

probably because you were hiding in the bushes again,
There is always that of course :D
The sense of happy to be alone, chilling in a park that I get from that is a really good take on the theme.
Looks really chilled out lying on the bench in that sunshine with the waves lapping nearby. Lone for sure.
Great idea for 'life' David and a good composition - I think the crop works particularly well.
Hidden - Another good take on the theme.
Lone - love the colours in this one and again great for the theme:clap:
David, interesting shot taken from the back of the bench. Like that, great against the water
Thanks all (y)
Fits for lone definitely, I like the way you haven't used the obvious straight on front view, probably because you were hiding in the bushes again, nice, simple and spot on
Thanks Allan ... and what do you mean "again"/ wasn't me officer. THB, with this challenge, I do find myself creeping up on people sometimes following them around.
I agree with that, the person is mostly hidden almost as though they are saying I want to be alone ;)

Nicely spotted and taken David

There is always that of course :D
The sense of happy to be alone, chilling in a park that I get from that is a really good take on the theme.
Lone is a great picture, alone but content is the feeling I get.
Lone - Nice... I do like a long bench, lots of nice horizontals, the big feather bugs me although natural, but I really like that the subject is not easy to see, the colour of stone stands out very nicely too (y)
I like that David it has an air of mystery about it
I like that a lot David - the low pov and slats of the bench really emphasise the luxury of a bit of peaceful realxation in a beautiful place.
Lone works well, not seeing person in full gives a sense of distance.
Thanks all so much for you positive input. (y)
... walking back through Hyde Park yesterday on the lookout for the fauna related, I found some entertainment at the Round Pond (same location as last week's)

Week 31 Fauna
That is a remarkable capture David. Wonderful for Fauna of course and technically very well taken too but a great bit of nature in the midst of London's busiest park. :clap:
Very well spotted and captured David!

It nicely shows the dark side of gulls that not everyone realises or gets to see.
Thanks guys, crazy fauna indeed. But being a country boy I'm happy to see such realities. I took about 50 shots within 5 minutes, the one below being one of the first. She tosses this old carcass into the water (an artificial lake about an inch deep at the edge), then hooks it out again. Finishes off by tossing it back and flying away. Something made me duck a minute later, I think she was trying to tell me something. And now I wonder how many other birds had pickings, I witnessed a raven getting shooed off by the gull.

If picture quality is not too good, they're cropped from about 5.5Kx3.5K pixels down to about 2.5x1.5

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I can only agree with the comments above, well spotted and well captured, it's good to see something a bit different for this week's theme.
... the dark side, a bit ugh!!, gruesome, horrible .... (y)
Great shot. Gruesome, but true to life. Gulls can be pretty viscious, but they are definitely one of nature's survivors!
Hidden - I wasn't sure if it was the bug or the words you were aiming for the words work well for me.
lone - the person is well hidden some lone time in a public place good spot.
Fauna - A great Capture but I wouldn't want it in my house.
lonely - well composed photo, works for me
fauna - great find, bit cruel but that’s nature!
Yuk I don't what my cup of tea now!:eek:

A different and great take on the theme David some great details.