LC's 52 Shoehorns for 2016 : Week 52 - Celebration

I think the example above though has gone a little to far and has created a halo around it
It has wings it must be an Angel :D

Yeah there is a bit I agree.
That monument of the airfield is a real nice image but maybe a little tight at the bottom.

and yes :agree: with Allan re the halo.
Hi Tim. I like Stone - as others have already said, I too think it would be best in b&w. As for Fauna, that is certainly different. Quite a striking impact as an image.
Stone - Really like that Tim really like how the stone is up close and prominent in the frame great DoF.

Fauna - Great find I wouldn't want the one splatting on my windscreen!!

Thanks Mark. Shame I forgot to remove the blemish on the stone before posting (I did clear away the rubbish that was around it)

Stone is a good find and I like the way it is the focus of the frame (and stop complaining about the weather over here as I see blue sky there ;))

And as for Fauna that's some Dragonfly.

and I definitely can't see anything train related here :p

We do get blue sky occasionally, that may have been our quota for 2016
Guilty as charged re the trains. I may have made up for that though in my next posting.

Or just CS5 :D

(if you don't like it say so and its history)

View attachment 71085
I guess I could have masked it and brought up the shadows...

Love the stone pic its screaming out for a black and white conversion I think, lifting the shadows on the dragon fly works to an extent I think the example above though has gone a little to far and has created a halo around it
I did try a B&W on it, but didn't see any improvement. Feel free to have a go though :)

It has wings it must be an Angel :D

Yeah there is a bit I agree.

I'm with the crowd here, would like one between the original and edit, of the two I prefer the partial silhouette of the first one :)
What it really needs is a trip at dawn or dusk...

Agree with Allan @alsjazzera about B&W conversion for the Stone shot.

A different take on The Fauna theme.

That monument of the airfield is a real nice image but maybe a little tight at the bottom.

and yes :agree: with Allan re the halo.
Hmm maybe a bit tight.

Hi Tim. I like Stone - as others have already said, I too think it would be best in b&w. As for Fauna, that is certainly different. Quite a striking impact as an image.
It is an interesting 'thing' to find on (what's left of) the heath.

Hi Tim ...I like the monument as it is ...our 'green and pleasant land' sits well with it I think.

Agree the dragonfly would take a lift ...I would love that in my garden :)
Best I don't post the co-ordinates then ;)

Hi Tim, like a few of the others i would like to see the stone in B&W just might add some contrast
Interesting... I made sure there were black & white points, but maybe a bit more contrast would help.
Another catch up week this week, taken and posted while away on hols (so please forgive the bad edits...)

Week 30 : Lone

Only a few of the Western class of Diesel were preserved when taken out of service in 1976/77.
This is the lone example at the West Somerset Railway

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 30 : Lone by Tim White, on Flickr

Week 32 : Static

Kinlet Hall (an escapee from Barry I believe) static at the WSR

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 32 : Static by Tim White, on Flickr

Week 33 : Game

Trampolining, a sport from the Olympic GAMES :)

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 33 : Game by Tim White, on Flickr
The lonely train looks very much like a leftover from the 1960s, I like that photo.

But the winner is for me the trampolining picture. I love the signs of the recommended landing positions in the background and the pose of the trampoliner. Well caught!
A couple of interesting old engines there Tim, and well caught on the action, of the trampoline.
Yes Static is lovely old beast with the "not to be moved" sign ... perfect.

Game is a good capture but in unattractive surroundings.
I was a bit confused with Lone until I read your description.

The sign definitely adds to the static picture, doesn't look like it's moved for a while!

Game is well captured.
The lonely train looks very much like a leftover from the 1960s, I like that photo.

But the winner is for me the trampolining picture. I love the signs of the recommended landing positions in the background and the pose of the trampoliner. Well caught!
Cheers Brrnd. The 'lone' train was actually withdrawn in 77, but yes built in the 60s (1962 to be precise) so didn't last long in BR Service.
The Trampolining shot is far less of a shoehorn :)

A couple of interesting old engines there Tim, and well caught on the action, of the trampoline.
Ta Chris

Are you trying to trick me... Your Lone shot is next to another train, and your static shot is stood on it's own :thinking:

Nice capture for game, action frozen nicely (y)
Ah, but static has a "Not to be Moved" sign. :)

Static and the not to be moved sign, sorted for me.

Yes Static is lovely old beast with the "not to be moved" sign ... perfect.

Game is a good capture but in unattractive surroundings.
Beggars can't be choosers though. I'm not sure what they would have said if I asked them to move the trampolines to a more scenic spot (That's the end of Minehead Quay).

I was a bit confused with Lone until I read your description.

The sign definitely adds to the static picture, doesn't look like it's moved for a while!

Game is well captured.
The Hall was actually in service the day before, but yes, the sign was the driver for the shot
Game - not too bad for an old 1100d eh :)
Hi Tim. Sorry for the delayed comments - away on holiday at the mo. Like the Lone and Static - strangely more drawn to the diesel probably because of the reflection in the glazed number plate (or whatever the rightful term is). Great action capture on the trampoline - especially the hair. :clap:
Good catch-up Tim, glad you got some engines in, it's good to see them nicely photographed and good timing with the trampolining
2 very nice images of the locos Tim love the sign on the static image.

Great action shot for Game very well captured
Hi Tim. Sorry for the delayed comments - away on holiday at the mo. Like the Lone and Static - strangely more drawn to the diesel probably because of the reflection in the glazed number plate (or whatever the rightful term is). Great action capture on the trampoline - especially the hair. :clap:
I agree, static is the weakest of the 3 shots. I think I prefer the Diesel due to the range of colours in the shot.

Good catch-up Tim, glad you got some engines in, it's good to see them nicely photographed and good timing with the trampolining
Cheers. The trampolining was taken in single shot mode, no point in machine gunning with an 1100d :)

Smart ar$e :p
Yup :)

Hi Tim ...excellent choices for Lone and Static ....not a shoehorn in sight :) I specially like the Static one ...the sign definitely adds to it.

Love the trampoline shot for Game, perfectly captured.
Thanks Susie. On reflection I think I might have tried for a closer shot and crop on the static kettle, but hey ho.

2 very nice images of the locos Tim love the sign on the static image.

Great action shot for Game very well captured
Cheers Mark
Definitely Tim - one of the things that distinguishes Urban from rural to my mind is the rushing around. Well taken :clap:
Buses not trains? ;) Nicely done, I like that the people are moving and the buses are stationary, says it all.
... and only one Boris bike left! All those red buses confirm the urbanness.

Gives me an idea for a reshoot ... see how many red buses I can get in a single shot.
I think so (y)
Nicely taken Tim.
Cheers Guvnor.

Certainly works as busy :)
And yet that was actually quite quiet (I wanted to get some people, I also wanted traffic to be visible).

Definitely Tim - one of the things that distinguishes Urban from rural to my mind is the rushing around. Well taken :clap:
I don't think I'd fit in with rural then ;)

Buses not trains? ;) Nicely done, I like that the people are moving and the buses are stationary, says it all.
Ta Chris. It does pretty much epitomise London in the rush hour.

... and only one Boris bike left! All those red buses confirm the urbanness.

Gives me an idea for a reshoot ... see how many red buses I can get in a single shot.
I guess most of the Boris bikes would be being cycled towards the stations. it is really amazing to see how much usage they get and how often the racks are re-filled by men in vans.
Week 35 : Black and White

This is the processing I finally settled on which I think emphasizes the fuel gauge well.

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 35 : Black & White
by Tim White, on Flickr

The shot started life as..

Class 11 Fuel Gauge viewed through 76017
by Tim White, on Flickr
And no, that's not selective colour, that's a green Class 11 shunter viewed through the running gear of a black Std 4.

I thought this conversion came out okay

TP 52 for 2016 - Week 35 : BlackAndWhite_2
by Tim White, on Flickr
but didn't have the impact of the original, hence messing around with effects.
Last edited:
I really like #2 , the original Tim. Why can't that be b&w given the predominance of the image and the fact that the face of the gauge is b&w? Is the processing Stylize - Glowing Edges in PS? Just tried that on one of mine - quite a nice effect.
I have to agree with Carl I quite like the second one, the gauge stands out enough not keen on the first one a bit marmite I suspect
Sorry TIm, but I couldn't make out what was going on with the first, the second and third work well I think
I really like #2 , the original Tim. Why can't that be b&w given the predominance of the image and the fact that the face of the gauge is b&w? Is the processing Stylize - Glowing Edges in PS? Just tried that on one of mine - quite a nice effect.
I really like #2 too, spent some time walkng around trying to get the best angle for it (I would have liked to have been about 4" taller, but I'm not so I couldn't quite get the bottom of the gauge away from the top of the frames).
The processing was the 'photocopy' effect, then mucked about a bit. I can see why you thought it was 'glowing edges' though, maybe they both use the same underlying processing.

I have to agree with Carl I quite like the second one, the gauge stands out enough not keen on the first one a bit marmite I suspect
Yes, #1 was always going to be love or hate.

Sorry TIm, but I couldn't make out what was going on with the first, the second and third work well I think

Hmmmmmm I prefer image 3 myself Tim, the first is an extreme process which for this image being minimal point of interest is a bit too much, whereas the last one is nice and clear :)

Definitely #3 for me Tim, the first one has just lost too much definition.

It seems #1 isn't everyones cup of tea then (but then I guessed it might not be and included the standard B&W conversion and the original).
I felt it was quite abstract and liked the way the gauge actually stands out.
It has the added bonus of hiding the technical flaw that it's not tack sharp due to me letting the shutter speed drop too much, I do have a sharper shot, but artistically it wasn't as good.
#2 is my favourite of the 3, but obviously isn't B&W.
#1 is kinda surreal, and not really much detail, although I could see what it was, I much prefer #3 tbh, Tim.