weekly Bruja's 2016 52 - CELEBRATION

Do you mean Bonsai by any chance
Google Bosnia trees and you get a selection of small trees come up, so I guess I was right first time :D
Oh I reckon I could live with that kinda urban, Jill. :)
I'm loving the urban edginess of your Bonsai tree and those two rascals looking for trouble, no doubt. :cautious:
... viewing this in a different light this morning .... it's a cool piece of artwork. (y)

I think #1 is funky enough without the inverted colour.
I think the second art deco "conversion" works really well, certainly looks like one of those art deco posters, I'd have that on the wall too, well done.
Oh I reckon I could live with that kinda urban, Jill. :)

Cheers Ruth. It's definitely different from where we used to live that's for sure :p

I'm loving the urban edginess of your Bonsai tree and those two rascals looking for trouble, no doubt. :cautious:

... viewing this in a different light this morning .... it's a cool piece of artwork. (y)

I think #1 is funky enough without the inverted colour.

Thanks David. It's amazing what you can do with an iPhone :D
Disappointed quite frankly :(
..............But its cute so you are forgiven :D

Great idea Jill nicely taken and processed :)

Enjoy your trip to Valencia (y)
Love this Jill.
It's honest and personal.

Have a good time in Valencia. :)
Damned clever concept, clever lighting bringing out true honest textures.
Nice portrait Jill - like the b&w treatment and the lighting. Enjoy Valencia.
Ah! that's nice, you and your husband, very sweet.:)

Thanks Shirley, and stick with it :)

Disappointed quite frankly :(
..............But its cute so you are forgiven :D

Great idea Jill nicely taken and processed :)

Enjoy your trip to Valencia (y)

Thanks Chris....I'd hate to be predictable......:D
Hi Jill,

B&W - Close run thing between #1 & #3 for me. I *think* #3 for the oldie world feel to it absolutely suiting B&W.
Ancient - Clever take on the theme :)
Urban - Nice bit of 40's Art Deco there. Perhaps a little closely cropped at the top? And it feels a bit muted to my eyes.
Pair - Not what I was expecting ;) but that's a great shot. Do you have it printed and up on your wall yet?
Valentia - So we'll be getting motor racing shots for the next theme? ;)
Not sure if your take on urban really fits the brief, but nicely shot and processed.

I love you photo for pair, very clever, nicely lit and processed. (y)
Hi, Pair, quite a dramatic photograph, nice shadows and vignette draws the eye in.

I'd like the lips to be on the same level.

Half a selfie as well :)

Hi Jill,

B&W - Close run thing between #1 & #3 for me. I *think* #3 for the oldie world feel to it absolutely suiting B&W.
Ancient - Clever take on the theme :)
Urban - Nice bit of 40's Art Deco there. Perhaps a little closely cropped at the top? And it feels a bit muted to my eyes.
Pair - Not what I was expecting ;) but that's a great shot. Do you have it printed and up on your wall yet?
Valentia - So we'll be getting motor racing shots for the next theme? ;)

Thanks for that mega catch up Tim....I'm soooo behind on comments, and yes, it's printed and on the wall :p

I thought Art Deco was a bit muted :exit:

Smashing idea Jill and you've composed it perfectly, very well thought out, definitely one to keep I think.

Enjoy Valencia :)

Thanks so much Susie, and there's a slightly different version below for Mr Picky AKA @posiview :p
Brillant idea for the theme Jill. Nice portrait love the lighting.

Thanks Stan, and enjoy Cyprus as always :)

Not sure if your take on urban really fits the brief, but nicely shot and processed.

I love you photo for pair, very clever, nicely lit and processed. (y)

Well it's not countryside so it's urban to me. I think there's a difference between 'urban photography' which I also like, and photographing something Urban ie in a town ;)

Glad you love Pair (y)
Spot on, there is a Big tomato called Big Boy, good choice. There are much nicer smaller ones, very tasty called 'Shirley':)
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Like the urban reshoot, spot on for the theme, nicely captured

Big is nicely presented with the stalk on the small tomato at the front echoing the big one in the centre and you have lit it well and retained good details in the tomatoes, nicely done.
A very striking image Jill with it's vibrant colour. Well chosen and nicely composed. Just noticed the Re-Shoot - definitely a better choice; great architecture and people movement.
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Great photo for big, I like the strong colours and the composition.
Ah Jill...expected so much more from pair and big... ;)
I really like both your urbans - the first is so stylish and beautifully composed, though I prefer number one.
Pair is a cracker - the lighting is especially good in the first - a really wonderful portrait of you both, full of life and sparkle.
Big...pretty much as Chris said - very nice shot (y)