weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

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week 47 Young

week 0 - Old
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Smashing blues and pinks in ther @d00d it certainly sells the theme.
There is something oddly disconcerting about the verticals to my eye, makes it feel as if it's about to collapse. :clap: if that was your aim.
Hi David. Yeah, I too like old doors & windows. This one boasts extra added features of colour and a kinked setting as well as the cracks & rot & deterioration which normally attracts. :clap:
Very nice David well spotted and captured (y)
Hi d00d, nice start theres nothing like a bit of dereliction, not sure why it looks a little wonky i'll put it down to its age
Thanks all (y) .. that went down pretty well. Personally I think it looks a bit soft ... I took a shot of the façade with some blue sky above the flat roof, did a massive crop to zoom into one window.
Hi David, The gloved image is really good, perfecrt for the theme, nce and sharp. Good luck completing your 52
Hi David. Both are good images but the second is edging it for me with that huge nut that wallops you visually and the contrasts between the green and rust colours. :clap:
Hi David

#2 for me. I massive nut then the long leading line of the bridge. Good stuff
Hi d00d, not a fan of the glove shot, but the view of the bridge is good though the sky looks a little funny
Old - nicely on theme, good range of textures and colours.

Metal - The cross on the glove has a sense of intrigue and I like the lighting but for me the bridge says "metal" much more strongly and the lead-in works well however there are some jpeg artifacts or something in the sky
Heavy metal, that's very imposing with the bolt head "in your face"
I like that a lot David (y)
Hi David, metal number two for me as Mr C says its in your face and really packs a lunch. sky looks a bit weird but nice submission.

good detail cheers
I like the cross in the glove image; it is somewhat different and yet hits the theme. I like the juxtaposition of textures and colour in the shot. One think I would like to see is the glove texture fill the frame, so that the viewer does not see the shape of the glove, or get distracted by the black bg.


Hi David 2 nice shots for Metal but for me I like No 1 the cross & chain well thought out pleasing to the eye..Very nice.
The clarity in that first shot and detail in the cross makes it the choice for me! Great content

Good luck in your 52s,
Hello David...it's the second shot for me. I'm not so keen on the sky, the colours a bit off and my eye is drawn to the large knob shaped cloud right in the middle coming out above the towers, but there's so much else to like in the image. I love the depth of field, the different layers and the all the lines/diagonals going on. Really can't make up my mind about the positioning of the big nut, it seems to hit me straight between the eyes, but it works!

Best wishes,
Love the colours and shabby chic-ness of the windows. First metal shot for me - I really like the detail in the cross and the ribbing of the glove is a great idea to use as a bg. I would probably have done it with bare hands and had to paint my nails specially :D
Hi Dave
Old .... Like the Old shot, lots of colours and textures in there, like all the cracks and deterioration above the windows, and the paled out window and the flaking frames.
Metal ....No2 for me shouts Metal, really like the angle you have shot this at. Looks great but I think you have pushed something a bit hard as its Nailed the sky (not that I mind psychedelic:)) . Think id be inclined to slip that shot onto 2 layers, Sky and Metalwork, hold off the sky then you can wind up the metalwork a bit on the metalwork layer if you need to, then blend.
Hi Dave,

Missed these before somehow, so catching up.

Old - Really nice colours and textures in the shot.
Metal - I like them both, the detail in the cross and the smooth metal against the lined glove work well. The bridge has lovely lines and that huge nut, works well.