weekly Thirsty's TP 52 challenge for 2016 - Week 52 Celebration

Life - Great presentation of the coffee, without the cars in the background that could make a good product shot.
Hidden - Well camouflaged and seems well focused (though I can't be 100% on that). I don't find it inspiring though, sorry.
Lone - I can see it's not possible, but I would have liked the statue against the darker background of the trees/bushes.

Hi Tim, Thanks for your comments I have to agree with on the hidden on, wasn't my best shot :) and for the lone shot it was tricky trying to get the right sort of angle.
Hi Nigel

We all lose our mo-jo at times in the 52, but getting through it is the challenge :)

For me they are not too bad for a mo-jo--less week - the Beach has a nice DoF with the shingle in the foreground, and the cricket image is nice and sharp and a good action shot with the ball blur (y)
The lost mojo moments are a real pain, aren't they?
I, too, think your cricket image is particularly good effort if you're feeling off your own game, as it were.
I'd be happy with that one.
your beach shot for static is well composed and your cricket shot is a great catch (if you don't mind the pun...) very dynamic pose and the ball has just the right amount of motion blur.

When I lose my mojo I stop posting altogether...
Hi Nigel. Terrific action shot for Game with the movement blur in the batting arm and ball. Excellent take.
Your mojo appears intact from where I am sitting. 2 good photos for Static and Game. I'd be happy with either of them (y)
Hi Nigel

We all lose our mo-jo at times in the 52, but getting through it is the challenge :)

For me they are not too bad for a mo-jo--less week - the Beach has a nice DoF with the shingle in the foreground, and the cricket image is nice and sharp and a good action shot with the ball blur (y)

Thank DK, the images just didnt grab me :).

The lost mojo moments are a real pain, aren't they?
I, too, think your cricket image is particularly good effort if you're feeling off your own game, as it were.
I'd be happy with that one.

Thank Ruth

Static, I like it, but I would think about concentrating just on the groins itself avoiding the green marker, The colours look nice and natural.
Game, Nice action shot and getting the ball in, great work, I do like number 2 on your flickr.

Thanks Michael, with Static I cloned out the marker but the image seemed lacking without hence I left it in Thanks, as I say never tried cricket before and not really looked at many other to compare but again for me none of them really grabbed me :)

Static; Nothing wrong with the shot. Looks quite tranquil and static.

Game; Well caught and good timing. You done well to have the ball in the shot too.

Thanks Stan.

Hi Nigel. Terrific action shot for Game with the movement blur in the batting arm and ball. Excellent take.

Thanks Carl, think if I was sooting cricket again I would try and get to face the bats men direct on rather than from the side.

Nigel, I agree with Carl the cricket is spot on. No loss of mojo in my opinion !

Thanks Chris, feeling better now due to all the comments lets hope I can pull off a cracker for serene :).

Your mojo appears intact from where I am sitting. 2 good photos for Static and Game. I'd be happy with either of them (y)

Thanks, (y)
Hi Nigel.
Static - Hmm, the very oof foreground (presumably a ridge) kind of spoils it imo, getting a little closer and thus not having the sharp edge would improve it as the edge grabs your attention.
Game - Very nicely done, love that you've captured the ball (I tried earlier this year and failed miserably). :clap:
Hi Nigel.
Static - Hmm, the very oof foreground (presumably a ridge) kind of spoils it imo, getting a little closer and thus not having the sharp edge would improve it as the edge grabs your attention.
Game - Very nicely done, love that you've captured the ball (I tried earlier this year and failed miserably). :clap:

Thanks for your comments Tim :)
Nice couple of shots Nigel... a real nice layout for Black and White, I like all the crates and stuff :)

Serene - Great focus on the statue and really like the oof arch in the background, very nice (y)

Thanks DK, was lucky with the B/W one stumbled across it in a shop (had to move a few bits so I could get a clean shot thou :) )
Hi Nigel

Those breakwater thingies are always good value and your capture is just great although I find the OOF FG distracting.

Some genuine cricket action there. (y)
Serene angel ... nice for the theme ... OOF BG interest ... but not sure about the POV. I'm wondering if he should be looking more into the camera. o_O If possible.

Like the contrasty Love B&W conversion. (y) Taken at a themes party or bar I guess.
Hi Nigel

Those breakwater thingies are always good value and your capture is just great although I find the OOF FG distracting.

Some genuine cricket action there. (y)

Thanks David, I wasn't sure if I should leave the FG in or not but through it looked a bit odd with out.

The cricket was interesting challenge it self having never shot it before so fairly happy with that, think i would change the POV next time thou.

Serene angel ... nice for the theme ... OOF BG interest ... but not sure about the POV. I'm wondering if he should be looking more into the camera. o_O If possible.

Like the contrasty Love B&W conversion. (y) Taken at a themes party or bar I guess.

Problem with Serene was the BG was terrible from the aspects hence I went with this one :).

B/W was shot in a shop in Arundel, they have all kinda of stuff like this was a nightmare to get with people moving about the shop the whole time :).
Like the water droplets of Serene but prefer the Love shot for b&w with that wonderful lighting picking out the crates and creating reflections.
Great shot for B&W, I like the set up and the reflections.
Like the water droplets of Serene but prefer the Love shot for b&w with that wonderful lighting picking out the crates and creating reflections.

Thanks Carl, can't take any credit for the setup as it was something I stumbled across in the shop. :)

Great shot for B&W, I like the set up and the reflections.

Thanks :)
Serene, like the shot, good OOF background and I like the bit of reflection in the fountain pool.

Good strong image for B&W.

Thanks Steve.

The love shot works really well in b&w with the strong contrasts in tone.

Thanks Emma.

Good DOF on Serene Nigel, it gives it a nice soft dreamy feel.

Smashing choice for b&w, that's a very eye catching shot.

Thanks Susie.
Hi Nigel. Not sure your link is working from the main TP52 page. Good choice for Ancient - like the wisp of smoke and the colour the copper, brass and other metalwork. I prefer the second though with it's focus on the gauge and the view past the oof handbrake.
Might be a bit of a shoehorn but it's very nice, good light and details.
Hi Nigel. Not sure your link is working from the main TP52 page. Good choice for Ancient - like the wisp of smoke and the colour the copper, brass and other metalwork. I prefer the second though with it's focus on the gauge and the view past the oof handbrake.

Thanks Carl, I liked both of them but thought the 2nd on it's own had no real context, Sorted the link too :).

Not really, it fits the theme and is nicely processed too (y)

Compared to your standards of shoehorning I guess not :), thanks was pleased with the colors.

Nice picture, second one has great composition and colours.

Thanks Clive.

Might be a bit of a shoehorn but it's very nice, good light and details.

Thanks Chris.
Some beautiful old equipment there. The two pics compliment one another ... all the controls, then the focus on that gauge. Looks like a nice restoration job.
Hi Nigel.
I like the way that the statue pops out of the image in Serene, the DoF used there works nicely.
B&W has plenty of contrast, an interesting image too.
Ancient - Nowt wrong with a bit of old steam powered machinery. You get the (y) from me on this one :) I think I prefer the wider shot as there is more context, but the bokeh on the second is really good too.
#2 for me, composition, colours, light, everything works for me. And it is quite ancient.