weekly rpn's 2020 52 Photo Challenge - Week 52 DECORATIONS Added ***COMPLETE***


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Welcome to my 2020 52 Photo Challenge and thanks for dropping by. This is my 7th TP 52 Challenge. Why I’m still taking part after all these years? Well, the short answer is I like taking pictures but occasionally I actually enjoy going out to capture photographic images too.

I have learned a lot over the years from fellow 52’ers here from my very first theme to last year’s Out-Take post. This is all due to continuous feedback, comments, suggestions, critiques and constructive criticisms. I hope this year is going to be the same.

I'll try & leave feedback for others but have little technical knowledge so critique is not something I feel comfortable giving.

Week 52 - Decorations
Week 51 - Showcase
Week 50 - Abstract
Week 49 - Leaves
Week 48 - Camera
Week 47 - Paper
Week 46 - Narrow
Week 45 - Snapper's Choice & Soft Focus Technique
Week 44 - Digital Age
Week 43 - Sharp
Week 42 - Food
Week 41 - Topical
Week 40 - Wet
Week 39 - Autumn
Week 38 - Artificial & Artificial Lit Technique
Week 37 - Activity
Week 36 - Texture
Week 35 - Snapper's Choice
Week 34 - Tiny
Week 33 - Camouflage
Week 32 - Patterns
Week 31 - Static
Week 30 - Graceful
Week 29 - Personal
Week 28 - Secure
Week 27 - Signs + Juxtaposition Technique
Week 26 - Mother Nature
Week 25 - Snapper's Choice (Puffins)
Week 24 - Small
Week 23 - Hidden
Week 22 - Household Item
Week 21 - Liquid
Week 20 - Old + Black and White Technique
Week 19 - Colour
Week 18 - Music
Week 17 - More Than One
Week 16 - First Initial 'S'
Week 15 - Snapper's Choice (Patterns) & High Key Technique
Week 14 - Time
Week 13 - Flora
Week 12 - Fence
Week 11 - Transport
Week 10 - Depict a Book (A Brief History of Time) & High Key Technique
Week 09 - Winter
Week 08 - Ability
Week 07 - Broken
Week 06 - Wild
Week 05 - Snapper's Choice (City Skyline) & Silhouette Technique
Week 04 - Discarded
Week 03 - Tools
Week 02 - Pleasurable
Week 01 - Local Interest
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I’m sure some 52 old-timers recognise this building as I have used it for this challenge many times before.

The Sir Duncan Rice Library is the main academic library for the University of Aberdeen. It was designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was conceived to mark the ice and light of the north.

The reason I picked this building for this week’s Local Interest theme is that the university just celebrated its 525th ‘birthday’. Aberdeen University was founded in 1494 and at one time the City of Aberdeen has more universities than the whole of Englandshire! :giggle:

Week 01 - Local Interest

Corner Cube by Stan, on Flickr
Now that is a fab looking building.... Great shots

Thanks, Robert. The atrium is even more interesting and I was planning to go inside for some shots but the library was closed for the Christmas holiday.

Curve Down by Stan, on Flickr
Interesting building, I have never seen that before. Thanks for sharing :)
Fab bit of arkkytexture :)

Shot 2 for me ta :)
Lovely building. Who would have thought the Granite City would have something so modern and funky!!
I love the last image, even if it does make my brain hurt a little (y)
That is a wonderful, photogenic building Stan, and very well captured too!:clap:
The angle of #1 is spot on - very striking and the light hitting it is superb!
#3 is amazing, what a great angle, I love the almost abstract nature of it - excellent!
Great start to the challenge Stan, can't wait to see what you have in store for us over the coming weeks/months!(y)
I think is called spiral curvilinear. :thinking:
I had to google that as I had no idea, but yes the name does make sense (y)
That is a wonderful, photogenic building Stan, and very well captured too!:clap:
The angle of #1 is spot on - very striking and the light hitting it is superb!
#3 is amazing, what a great angle, I love the almost abstract nature of it - excellent!
Great start to the challenge Stan, can't wait to see what you have in store for us over the coming weeks/months!(y)

Thanks, Gareth for the kind comments.

Don't set your hope too high, it's downhill from me from now on!
A good start with that one. Really well composed and a good exposure in the sky.
Interesting looking building I prefer your first picture of it
We may have seen some of those views once or twice before eh Stan :)
I certainly prefer the low perspective view to the straight on one, it has more impact.

Thanks, Tim. Agree with you on that and the evening setting sun adds warmth to the image too.

A good start with that one. Really well composed and a good exposure in the sky.

Cheers, Dominic.
I really like the last shot - loads of interest!
Striking building and great photo of it! I also like the inside of that library very much.
Three great images there Stan I was going for No 1 until I saw No 3 which I like a lot
Got a few ideas for this week's theme but in the end, resort to Mrs rpn's help again. This is one of her Pleasurable pastime playing Sudoku.

I set the aperture to the maximum at f1.4 to blur out both the foreground and background and to have just the main subject (book) in focus however, I missed the focus even so slightly. I like to have the tip of the pen in sharp focus but at such a wide aperture, the depth of field is very limited.

Week 02 - Pleasurable

Pleasure by Stan, on Flickr